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dc.contributor.advisorAdawiyah, Dede Robiatul-
dc.contributor.advisorZakaria, Fransiska Rungkat-
dc.contributor.authorFatmawati, Devi-
dc.description.abstractSingkong (Manihot esculenta) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia, dan termasuk sumber karbohidrat terbesar selain beras. Singkong biasanya diolah dengan digoreng maupun direbus. Penelitian mengenai tepung singkong sudah banyak tetapi untuk singkong dari varietas Pacar dari Kalimantan masih sedikit, dan belum ada penelitian mi yang berasal dari tepung singkong ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik tepung singkong yang dihasilkan dari singkong varietas Pacar dari Kalimantan dan singkong varietas Manggu dari Bogor, serta mendapatkan karakteristik fisiko-kimia mi berbahan dasar tepung singkong yang didapatkan dari proses penelitian sebelumnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahapan yaitu proses pembuatan tepung singkong dengan metode pengeringan yang berbeda dan tahapan proses pembuatan mi singkong dengan metode kalendering. Metode analisis yang dilakukan antara lain analisis proksimat, analisis serat, analisis fisik (derajat keputihan, bentuk granula pati, cooking loss, texture profile, dan gelatinisasi pati). Berdasarkan hasil analisis fisik, tepung dengan perlakuan terbaik adalah tepung singkong varietas Pacar dari Kalimantan dengan perlakuan sinar matahari, dan tepung singkong varietas Manggu dari Bogor dengan perlakuan oven. Berdasarkan hasil analisis fisiko-kimia, formulasi terbaik mi singkong diperoleh dengan penggunaan 100% tepung singkong varietas Pacar dengan penambahan glukomanan sebesar 8% dan xanthan gum sebesar
dc.description.abstractCassava is one of the most cultivated plants in Indonesia, which is one of the largest sources of carbohydrates besides rice. Cassava is usually processed by frying or boiling. Research on cassava flour has been a lot but for cassava from the Pacar variety from Kalimantan is still a little in Indonesia, as well as research on noodles derived from its cassava flour. This study aims to examine the characteristics of cassava flour produced from cassava variety from Kalimantan and cassava variety Manggu from Bogor, as well as to get the physical-chemical characteristics of cassava noodle made from cassava flour obtained from the previous research process both cassava. This research was conducted with two stages, namely the process of making cassava flour with different drying methods and the stages of the cassava noodle making process with the calendaring method. The analytical methods carried out include proximal analysis, fiber analysis, physical analysis (degree of vaginal discharge, granule shape of starch, cooking loss, texture profile, and gelatinization of starch). Based on the results of physical analysis, the flour with the best treatment is cassava flour from Kalimantan with sunlight treatment, and Cassava flour manggu variety from Bogor with oven treatment. Based on the results of physical-chemical analysis, the best formulation of cassava noodles is obtained with the use of 100% cassava flour of the Pacar variety with the addition of glucomannan by 8% and xanthan gum by
dc.description.sponsorshipKemenristek-Dikti melalui program Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (PTUPT) No kontrak: 4355/IT3.L1/PN/2019id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakterisasi Fisiko-Kimia Tepung dan Mi Singkong yang Berasal dari Kalimantan dan Bogorid
dc.title.alternativePhysicalization-Chemical Flour and Cassava-Based Noodles from Kalimantan and Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordCassava Flourid
dc.subject.keywordCassava Noodlesid
dc.subject.keywordPhysical Analysisid
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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