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Title: Evaluasi Sensori Teh Serai Siap Minum dalam Pengembangan Minuman Berlogo Pilihan Lebih Sehat dengan Penambahan Sweet Modulator
Authors: Palupi, Nurheni Sri
Hunaefi, Dase
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Peningkatan penyakit obesitas dan diabetes di Indonesia disebabkan oleh tingginya konsumsi masyarakat akan pangan yang mengandung gula secara berlebihan. Badan Pegawas Obat dan Makanan berupaya mengatasi hal tersebut dengan menerbitkan peraturan mengenai logo “Pilihan Lebih Sehat” yang dapat digunakan bagi industri minuman dalam kemasan. Batas pemakaian gula dalam minuman siap saji berdasarkan peraturan tersebut sebesar 6 gram/100 mL produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan formula teh serai siap minum yang memenuhi syarat logo “Pilihan lebih Sehat” beserta atribut sensori, tingkat kesukaan, dan atribut emosi yang memenuhi kepuasan konsumen. Penggunaan flavor serai dan sweet modulator dapat meminimalkan efek pengurangan gula pada produk yang dikembangkan. Tiga sampel teh serai yang terdiri dari satu formula standar (gula 8.5 gram/100 mL produk) dan dua formula (A dan B) yang dikembangkan (gula 6 gram/100 mL produk dan ditambah flavor sweet modulator berbeda) dievalusi oleh panelis dengan metode Rate-All-That-Apply, rating hedonik, dan emotional sensory lalu dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dan XLSTAT. Sampel yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah formula A memiliki atribut sensori dominan lemongrass aroma dan nilai kesukaan aroma 4.23, rasa 3.90, dan overall 3.85 (skala 5-poin), dan karakteristik emosi yang dihasilkan saat dikonsumsi, yakni bersemangat, puas, dan hangat, dan atribut kebutuhan berupa peaceful, fresh, natural, dan healthy.
The increasing of obesity and diabetes in Indonesia is caused by the high consumption of foods containing sugar excessively. National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia provide “Healthier Choice” logo that can be applied by ready-to-drink (RTD) beverage industry. The limit of sugar used in RTD beverages under the regulations is 6 grams/100 mL of product. This research was conducted to obtain the formula, sensory attributes, liking-score, and emotional attributes of RTD lemongrass tea that meet the requirement and satisfy the consumers. The use of lemongrass and sweet modulator flavor can fill in the gap of reducing sugar in the product being developed. Three samples of lemongrass tea consisting of one standard formula (8.5 grams sugar/100 mL product) and two developed formula (A and B) (6 grams sugar/100 mL product and added with different sweet modulation flavor) were evaluated by the panelists and analyzed with Rate-All-That-Apply, hedonic rating, and emotional sensory method using SPSS and XLSTAT. The most preferred sample by the panelists was formula A that had dominant attribute sensory of lemongrass aroma and preference value of aroma 4.23, taste 3.90, and overall 3.85 (from 5-scale points), and the characteristics of the emotions produced when consumed are excited, satisfied, and warm, with needstate attributes are peaceful, fresh, natural, and healthy.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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