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Title: Evaluasi Karakteristik Fisik dan Sensori pada Produk Tepung Bumbu Serba Guna di Pasaran
Other Titles: Physical and Sensory Characteristics Evaluation of All-Purpose Seasoned Flour Products in The Market
Authors: Yuliana, Nancy Dewi
Hunaefi, Dase
Amaraningrum, Dellia Shanie
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tepung bumbu serba guna merupakan campuran tepung dan bumbu dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan makanan yang diizinkan. Penggunaan jenis tepung bumbu yang berbeda mempengaruhi karakteristik fisik dan sensori secara spesifik pada produk akhir yang dihasilkan karena komposisinya yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan sensori pada 4 merek tepung bumbu serba guna yang dijual di pasaran (Tepung A, B, C, dan D). Karakteristik fisik yang diuji adalah daya serap minyak (metode Soxhlet), analisis tekstur, dan profil pasting. Karakteristik sensori yang diuji adalah profil sensori menggunakan metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA). Analisis profil pasting menunjukkan viskositas breakdown dan puncak tertinggi dimiliki oleh Tepung C, waktu puncak gelatinisasi tertinggi dimiliki oleh Tepung A dan Tepung D, suhu gelatinisasi tertinggi dimiliki oleh Tepung B, serta viskositas akhir dan setback tertinggi dimiliki oleh Tepung D. Viskositas setback merupakan parameter terjadinya retrogradasi yang menyebabkan tekstur produk menjadi lebih keras. Analisis tekstur menunjukkan Tepung D dan C memiliki nilai hardness tertinggi, serta uji sensori menunjukkan Tepung D memiliki atribut relatif dominan hardness. Nilai hardness terendah dimiliki oleh Tepung A dan Tepung B, serta uji sensori menunjukkan Tepung A memiliki atribut relatif dominan crispy, namun tidak pada Tepung B. Daya serap minyak tertinggi serta atribut relatif dominan oily dimiliki oleh Tepung B. Uji RATA menunjukkan setiap produk memiliki atribut relatif dominan yang berbeda-beda. Adanya ketidaksesuaian hasil uji fisik dengan uji sensori dapat disebabkan oleh panelis konsumen yang tidak melalui tahap training sehingga memiliki kepekaan identifikasi atribut sensori yang lebih rendah.
All-purpose seasoned flour is a food ingredient that consists of flour and seasoning with or without the addition of other permitted food ingredients. Different types of seasoned flour affect the final product’s physical and sensory characteristics because of the different compositions. This research aims to determine the physical and sensory characteristics of all-purpose seasoned flour products in the market (Flour A, B, C, and D). The physical characteristics evaluated were oil absorption (Soxhlet method), texture analysis, and pasting profile. The sensory characteristic evaluated was sensory profile with the Rate-All- That-Apply (RATA) method. The pasting profile analysis showed Flour C had the highest breakdown and peak viscosity, Flour A and D had the highest peak time, Flour B had the highest gelatinization temperature, and Flour D had the highest final and setback viscosity. Setback viscosity is a retrogradation parameter which causes the product texture to become harder. Texture analysis showed Flour D and C had the highest hardness value, sensory test also showed Flour D had hardness as the relatively dominant attribute. Flour A and B had the lowest hardness value, sensory test also showed Flour A had crispy as the relatively dominant attribute, but not in Flour B. Flour B had the highest oil absorption capacity and sensory test also showed Flour B had oily as the relatively dominant attribute. The RATA method showed that each product had different relatively dominant attributes. The discrepancy between the physical and sensory test results can be caused by consumer panelists who did not go through the training stage so that they had a lower sensitivity for sensory attribute identification.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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