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Title: Emotional Sensory Mapping Susu Cokelat Kemasan Dengan Metode CATA (Check-All-That-Apply)
Authors: Fadhilatunnur, Harum
Hunaefi, Dase
Virdausi, Alisa
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Konsumsi susu cokelat di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh semakin meningkatnya kesadaran konsumen terhadap gaya hidup sehat dan juga cita rasa yang khas pada susu cokelat dibandingkan dengan susu biasa. Terdapat beberapa literatur mengenai susu cokelat, namun yang membahas profil sensori susu cokelat sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi profil sensori dan emosi dari susu cokelat kemasan dengan metode CATA (Check-All-That-Apply) dan Emotional Sensory Mapping. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 4 produk susu cokelat kemasan dengan merek yang berbeda dan menggunakan 30 panelis konsumen. Sweet aftertaste, creamy mouthfeel, viscosity mouthfeel merupakan atribut yang mempengaruhi kesukaan dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap susu cokelat. Atribut yang diinginkan ada pada produk ideal yaitu creamy mouthfeel. Atribut emosi, musik, needstate yang relatif dominan pada setiap sampel berbeda-beda. Berdasarkana CATA intensity, atribut salty taste dan sweet aftertaste memiliki korelasi positif yang berarti atribut sweet aftertaste akan meningkat intensitasnya jika atribut salty taste ditingkatkan. Rekomendasi perbaikan produk dapat dilihat berdasarkan atribut dominan dari setiap sampel dengan mengacu pada atribut liking, must have, dan atribut ideal menurut persepsi konsumen. Atribut yang termasuk dalam tiga kelompok tersebut yaitu sweet aroma, chocolate aroma, chocolate taste, aftertaste, creamy mouthfeel, viscosity mouthfeel. Oleh karena itu, dengan memahami profil sensori akan membantu industri makanan dalam mengembangkan produk susu cokelat yang ditargetkan lebih baik.
Consumption of chocolate milk has increased in Indonesia, owing to increased consumer awareness of healthier lifestyles and the distinct flavor of chocolate milk compared to fresh milk. While there is some literature on chocolate milk, little is known about its sensory profile. The purpose of this study is to use the CATA (Check-All-That-Apply) and Emotional Sensory Mapping methods to determine the sensory profile and emotions of ready-to-drink chocolate milk. The samples consisted of four packaged chocolate milk products from various brands, with a total of 30 consumer panelists. The sweetness of the aftertaste, the creamy mouthfeel, and the viscosity of the mouthfeel all contribute to the liking and satisfaction with chocolate milk. The ideal product should have a creamy mouthfeel. Each sample contains a different proportion of emotion, music, and need state attributes. According to CATA intensity, the salty flavor and sweet aftertaste qualities have a positive correlation, which means that as the salty taste attribute increases, the sweet aftertaste attribute increases as well. Consumer perceptions indicate that product enhancement recommendations should be made based on the sample's dominant attributes, which include liking attributes, musthave attributes, and ideal attributes. Sweet aroma, chocolate aroma, chocolate taste, aftertaste, creamy mouthfeel, and viscosity mouthfeel are all included in the three categories. Thus, gaining a better understanding of the total sensory profile would aid food manufacturers in developing more targeted chocolate milk products.
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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