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dc.contributor.advisorBudi, Faleh Setia-
dc.contributor.advisorAhdianto, Djauhar Faiz-
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Dinni Widya-
dc.description.abstractPT XYZ merupakan industri pangan yang mengembangkan beberapa produk olahan daging ayam, salah satunya adalah chicken karaage. Berdasarkan data di perusahaan, PT XYZ masih mengalami kendala yang ditandai dengan tingginya persentase loss thawing sebesar 5,44%. Penyusutan bobot tersebut dapat berpengaruh pada jumlah produk yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menurunkan susut bobot bahan serta mencari tahu faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap susut bobot dengan pendekatan PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action). Langkah perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan metode pembekuan cepat (Individually Quick Freezing), meninimalisasi kejadian holding time selama pengumpulan bahan baku, dan perlakuan thawing pada suhu chilling room (13,2 °C). Hasil perbaikan menunjukkan persentase total susut bobot menurun menjadi 2,70% yang terdiri atas persentase susut bobot pada beberapa tahapan, yaitu setelah pembekuan (1,79%), penyimpanan sementara (0,28%), dan setelah thawing (0,62%). Selain susut bobot, pengamatan juga dilakukan pada %pick up predust, batter, breader, dan frying. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan kelompok berat daging 28–32 gram berpengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap %pick up predust pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Sedangkan pada kelompok berat daging 18–22 gramid
dc.description.abstractPT XYZ is a food industry that develops several processed chicken meat products, one of which is chicken karaage. Based on data from the company, PT XYZ is still experiencing constraints characterized by a high percentage of thawing loss of 5,44%. Depreciation of such weights can affect the number of products produced. Therefore, this study aimed to reduce the weight of ingredients and found out the factors that affect thawing loss with PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) approach. The corrective steps are to use the Method of Rapid Freezing (Individually Quick Freezing), initialize the occurrence of holding time during the collection of raw materials, and thawing treatment at chilling room temperature (13,2 °C). The results showed the percentage of total weight loss decreased to 2,70% consisting of a percentage of weight loss at several stages, namely after freezing (1,79%), temporary storage (0,28%), and after thawing (0,62%). In addition to weight loss, observations were also made on %pick up predust, batter, breader, and frying. The results of statistical analysis showed that the meat weight group of 28–32 grams had a noticeable effect (p < 0,05) on %pick up predust at a significance level of 0,05. While in the meat weight group 18–22 grams and 23–27 grams showed no noticeable influence (p > 0,05).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleUpaya Penurunan Susut Bobot pada Produksi Chicken Karaage dengan Pendekatan PDCA dan Pengamatan Pick Up pada Beberapa Berat Produk di PT XYZid
dc.title.alternativeEfforts to Reduce Weight Loss on Chicken Karaage Production with PDCA Approach and Pick Up Observation on Some Product Weights at PT XYZid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordChicken karaageid
dc.subject.keywordpendekatan PDCAid
dc.subject.keywordsusut bobotid
dc.subject.keywordChicken karaageid
dc.subject.keywordPDCA approachid
dc.subject.keywordweight lossid
Appears in Collections:UT - Food Science and Technology

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