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Title: Evaluasi Berbagai Kadar Garam Dalam Pelet Terhadap Performa dan Kesehatan Sistem Urinasi Kelinci Lokal
Other Titles: Evaluation of Various Salt Levels in the Pellets on Performance and Health of Urination System of the Domestic Rabbit
Authors: Diapari, Didid
Retnani, Yuli
Siburian, Indra Satria
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Natrium (Na) dan klorida (Cl) adalah mineral yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh kelinci. Pada umumnya, hijauan pakan kelinci rendah kandungan natrium. Untuk mencegah defisiensi natrium pada kelinci yang mengonsumsi hijauan rendah natrium tersebut, maka direkomendasikan penambahan garam dalam pelet kelinci, sebab garam tersusun atas unsur natrium dan klorida. Natrium dan klorida diabsorpsi di usus halus dan usus besar kemudian diekskresikan oleh ginjal melalui mekanisme urinasi. Kadar garam dalam pelet harus diperhatikan, sebab bila terlalu tinggi dapat berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan kelinci. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi berbagai kadar garam dalam pelet terhadap performa dan kesehatan sistem urinasi kelinci lokal. Dengan evaluasi ini, kadar optimal penambahan garam dalam pelet dapat ditentukan sehingga performa kelinci lokal dapat ditingkatkan dan kesehatan sistem urinasinya tidak terganggu. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2020. Digunakan 20 ekor kelinci lokal jantan berumur 8 minggu dengan rata-rata bobot badan 897,05 ± 68,27 g yang ditempatkan pada kandang individu. Rancangan penelitian, yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan, yaitu P1: pelet tanpa garam, P2: pelet dengan 0,125% garam, P3: pelet dengan 0,25% garam, P4: pelet dengan 0,375% garam, dan P5: pelet dengan 0,500% garam. Pakan pada penelitian ini diformulasikan sesuai dengan persyaratan mutu pakan kelinci masa pertumbuhan atau muda (SNI 8509:2018). Peubah yang dianalisis, yaitu performa kelinci, di antaranya konsumsi pakan, konsumsi air minum, pertambahan bobot badan, dan konversi pakan serta urinalisis, yaitu volume urin, pH urin, serta kandungan leukosit, nitrit, urobilinogen, protein, darah, keton, bilirubin, glukosa, dan berat jenis urin dengan menggunakan reagent stripe for urynalisis (dipstick) URS-10T. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan sidik ragam, apabila terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan, maka diuji lanjut dengan uji jarak rata-rata Duncan. Dilakukan juga analisis korelasi serta analisis regresi multilinear. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa konsumsi pakan dan konsumsi air minum yang tertinggi ialah pada perlakuan pelet dengan kadar garam 0,375%, nilai konversi pakan terendah ialah pada perlakuan pelet dengan kadar garam 0,250%, dan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pertambahan bobot badan pada setiap perlakuan. Dari hasil urinalisis diketahui bahwa penambahan garam dalam pelet hingga kadar 0,500% tidak berpengaruh buruk terhadap kesehatan sistem urinasi kelinci. Terdapat korelasi antara beberapa peubah performa dan urinalisis. Model persamaan regresi multilinear untuk mengestimasi kadar optimal penambahan garam dalam pelet kelinci, yaitu -0,052 + 0,008Konsumsi pakan – 0,002Konsumsi air minum + 0,000Pertambahan bobot badan.
Sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) are the minerals that rabbit really needed. Generally, forages for the rabbit are deficient in sodium. To prevent rabbit sodium-deficient because consume sodium-deficient forages, salt supplementation in the pellets was recommended because salt is composed of sodium and chloride. Sodium and chloride from the salt absorb in small and large intestine and excreted by the kidneys through urination mechanism. Salt level in pellets should be considered, too high salt level could adversely affect the domestic rabbit health. This research aimed to evaluate the various salt levels in the pellets on performance and health of urination system of the domestic rabbit. By this evaluation, the optimal level of salt in the pellets could be determined to improve performance and not adversely affect the health of urination system of domestic rabbit. The research was held on October till December 2020. The 20 male domestic rabbits aged 8 weeks with an average body weight 897,05 ± 68,27 g were kept in individual cage. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Desigen (CRD) with five treatments and four replications, i.e. P1: pellets with no salt, P2: pellets with 0,125% salt, P3: pellets with 0,250% salt, P4: pellets with 0,375% salt, P5: pellets with 0,500% salt. The experimental feed was formulated based on the requirement of growing rabbit (SNI 8509:2018). The analyzed variables were rabbit performance, i.e. feed intake, water intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio, also urinalysis, i.e. urine volume, urine pH, and the content of leukocyte, nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, blood, ketone, bilirubin, glucose, and urine specific gravity by reagent stripe for urynalisis (dipstick) URS-10T. The datas obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if indicated significance different then further tested by Duncan mean range test. Also conducted analysis of correlation and analysis of multilinear regression. Based on research result were known that the highest feed and water intake was the pellets with 0,375% salt, the lowest value of feed conversion ratio was the pellets with 0,250% salt treatment, and there was no significant different on body weight gain in each treatments. Based on the urinalysis was known that salt supplementation in the pellets until 0,500% level not adversely affected the urination system of rabbit. There were correlation on several variables of performance and urinalysis. The model of multilinear regression equation to estimate the optimal salt level in the pellets was -0,052 + 0,008Feed intake – 0,002Water intake + 0,000Body weight gain.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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