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Title: Formulasi Suplemen Kehamilan Berbasis Virgin Fish Oil Mata Tuna Terproteksi Antioksidan Kayu Secang Menggunakan Mixture Design
Other Titles: Pregnancy Supplement Formulation Based on Tuna Eyes Virgin Fish Oil Protected by Antioxidant Secang Wood with the Mixture Design
Authors: Trilaksani, Wini
Syafitri, Utami Dyah
Riyanto, Bambang
Sinulingga, Fahri
Issue Date: 8-Jul-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Indonesia menghadapi tantangan besar terkait prevalensi stunting, sehingga dari aspek gizi, pemenuhan docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) menjadi penting dalam pencegahan dampak penurunan kecerdasan akibat stunting. Docosahexaenoic acid dapat menjadi model suplementasi omega-3 untuk perkembangan otak dan retina mata. Mata tuna mengandung DHA yang tinggi, namun fortifikasi minyak ikan dalam produk pangan rentan terhadap oksidasi sehingga membutuhkan antioksidan. Kayu secang mengindikasikan memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan optimasi formulasi suplemen kehamilan berbasis virgin fish oil mata tuna terproteksi antioksidan kayu secang menggunakan mixture design. Penelitian meliputi determinasi karakteristik kayu secang, karakteristik mata tuna, cold centrifugation separation, karakteristik virgin fish oil mata tuna dan optimasi formulasi dengan mixture design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mata tuna memiliki kandungan DHA sebesar 32,12%. Kayu secang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan 5,08±0,21 ppm dan nilai total fenol 2165,80±0,14 mg GAE/g. Formula optimal didapatkan dari variabel virgin fish oil mata tuna 39,98%, kayu secang 21,68% dan guar gum 38,33% dengan inhibisi bilangan peroksida 63,72%. Nilai respon optimal pH dan viskositas 3,10 dan 478,76 cPs, sedangkan verifikasi di laboratorium 3,27±0,9 dan 479±2,83 cPs.
Indonesia faces major challenges related to the prevalence of stunting, so from nutritional aspect, the fulfillment of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is important in preventing the decline in intelligence due to stunting. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can be a model for omega-3 supplementation for the development of the brain and retina of the eye. Tuna eyes contain high DHA. However, fortification of fish oil in food products is susceptible to oxidation and thus requires antioxidants. Secang wood has high antioxidant activity. The study aims to determine the optimization of a pregnancy supplement formulation based on tuna eyes virgin fish oil protected antioxidant secang wood with the mixture design. Research covering determination of the characterisctics of secang wood, characterisctics of tuna eyes, cold centrifugation separation, characterisctics of tuna eyes virgin fish oil and formulation optimizing with mixture design. The results showed that tuna eyes had a DHA content of 32,12%. Secang wood has an antioxidant activity of 5,08±0,21 ppm and a total phenol value of 2165,80±0,14 mg GAE/g. The optimal formula obtained was 39,98% tune eyes virgin fish oil, secang wood 21,68% and guar gum 38,33% with 63,72% inhibition of peroxide value. The optimal pH and viscosity response values were 3,10 and 478,76 cPs, while the laboratory results were 3,27±0,9 and 479±2,83 cPs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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