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Title: Kemampuan Antioksidan dan Daya Hambat Enzim α-Glukosidase Pada Minuman Serbuk Daun Samarinda (Carissa carandas L)
Other Titles: Antioxidant Ability and Inhibtion of α-Glukosidase Enzyme in Samarinda (Carissa carandas L) Leaf Powder Drink
Authors: Giriwono, Puspo Edi
Prangdimurti, Endang
Utami, Setiowati Dwi
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: The samarinda plants (Carissa carandas L.) is one of the herb plants with many health benefits. However, the utilization of these plants is scarce used in Indonesia. The production of samarinda leaf-based powder drink can increase the plant utilization. This study was conducted to determine the physicochemical characteristics and examine was carried out the antioxidant potency, as well as the ability to inhibit α-glucosidase enzyme of the samarinda leaf powder drink. The powder drink was formulated using three different concentrations of tween 80: 0,1, 0,3, and 0,5%. The results showed that the samarinda leaf powder drink have the potency as an antioxidant drink (87,61-183,79 mgAEAC/100 g of powder) and able to inhibit the α-glucosidase enzyme activity (16,63-26,75%). The best formula was revealed to be the formula with 0,5% tween 80, which have the highest antioxidant potency and α-glucosidase inhibition. This formula was also in compliance with the regulated moisture and ash content stated in the current Indonesian national standard (SNI) of the traditional powder drink.
Tanaman samarinda (Carissa carandas L) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, namun pemanfaatan tanaman samarinda di Indonesia masih tergolong sedikit. Pembuatan minuman serbuk berbahan dasar daun samarinda dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan tanaman samarinda di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karkteristik fisikokimia dan menguji kemampuan antioksidan serta daya hambat enzim α-glukosidase yang dimiliki oleh minuman serbuk daun samarinda. Minuman serbuk daun samarinda diformulasikan menggunakan tiga buah konsentrasi tween 80: 0,1, 0,3, dan 0,5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman serbuk daun samarinda memiliki kemampuan sebagai antioksidan (87,61-183,79 mgAEAC/100 g bubuk) dan mampu menghambat kinerja enzim α-glukosidase (16,63-26,75%). Perlakuan terbaik ditunjukkan pada konsentrasi tween 80 0,5% yang ditandai dengan tingginya kemampuan antioksidan dan daya hambat enzim α-glukosidase. Formula tersebut juga memiliki kadar air dan kadar abu yang hampir sesuai terhadap standar SNI serbuk minuman tradisional yang berlaku saat ini.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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