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Title: Kinerja Rantai Pasok dan Kualitas Konsentrat Sapi Perah di Koperasi serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Kepuasan Peternak
Other Titles: Supply Chain Performance and Quality of Dairy Concentrate at Cooperative, and the Effect to Farmer Satisfaction
Authors: Despal, Despal
Taufik, Epi
Nuraina, Norma
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Koperasi berperan menyediakan konsentrat sapi perah yang melibatkan kegiatan rantai pasok, berkaitan dengan kualitas pelayanan, serta kualitas konsentrat yang dapat memengaruhi kepuasan peternak. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok, kualitas bahan pakan, kualitas konsentrat hasil produksi koperasi dan yang telah didistribusikan kepada peternak, serta untuk mengetahui kepuasan peternak terhadap kinerja koperasi yang meliputi mutu produk dan pelayanan yang diberikan. Analisis yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja adalah SCOR-AHP. Pengukuran kualitas meliputi kualitas fisik meliputi berat jenis, kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, dan untuk bahan pakan ditambahkan parameter ukuran partikel. Kandungan nutrien yang diuji meliputi kadar air, lemak kasar, protein kasar, serat kasar, dan TDN. Bahan pakan yang diukur kualitasnya meliputi sebanyak enam sampel dedak gandum, dua CGF, dua bungkil inti sawit, satu ampas kopi, satu dedak padi, satu limbah biskuit, satu dedak jagung, satu ampas kecap, satu sampel batu kapur, dan satu sampel garam. Sementara itu, sepuluh konsentrat setelah proses produksi, 27 sampel setelah proses distribusi, dan total 25 sampel untuk pengujian homogenitas dari lima mesin pencampur dengan masing-masing lima sampel tiap mesin diambil. Data bahan pakan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dibandingkan dengan SNI atau penelitian sebelumnya. Sampel setelah proses produksi dibandingkan dengan SNI menggunakan Uji T satu sampel, sampel dari lapangan diuji menggunakan Uji T independen dua sampel dibandingkan dengan sampel setelah proses produksi atau Uji Mann-Whitney jika data tidak normal, dan uji homogenitas dilihat dari nilai koefisien variasi kandungan garam. Pengukuran kepuasan peternak menggunakan metode CSI dan IPA dengan responden sebanyak 100 peternak. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai kinerja rantai pasok konsentrat sapi perah di KPSBU masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kandungan nutrien dan kualitas fisik bahan baku relatif bervariasi, hanya CGF dan batu kapur yang nutriennya sesuai dengan standar. Berat jenis dan kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan tertinggi adalah batu kapur dan kerapatan tumpukan tertinggi adalah garam, sedangkan kualitas fisik terendah adalah ampas kopi. KPSBU mampu menghasilkan konsentrat dengan kandungan nutrien sesuai dengan SNI dengan kualitas fisik dalam kisaran normal. Homogenitas campuran tergolong rendah dengan nilai koefisien variasi 26%. Kadar nutrien sampel yang diambil dari lapangan menunjukkan perbedaan dengan sampel setelah proses produksi kecuali TDN. Kepuasan peternak menunjukkan angka 76,76%dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat puas. Berdasarkan analisis IPA, atribut yang harus diperbaiki didominasi oleh atribut mutu produk.
Cooperative has an important role to provide concentrate which involves supply chain activities. Performance is related to service quality and concentrate quality which can affect farmer satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure supply chain performance, quality of feed ingredients, quality of concentrate produced by the cooperative and those that were distributed to farmers, and to determine farmer satisfaction toward the cooperative performance which included product and service quality. The analysis used to measure performance was SCOR-AHP. Quality measurement included physical quality (density, bulk density, compacted bulk density, and particle size parameter was added for feedstuff physical quality). The nutrient content tested included moisture content, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, and TDN. The samples taken for measuringthe feedstuff quality included six bran pollard, two CGF, two palm kernel cake, one coffee chaff, one rice bran, one biscuit waste, one corn bran, one soy sauce byproduct, one limestone, and one salt. Meanwhile for measuring concentrate quality, ten samples after production, 27 samples after distribution process, and total 25 samples for homogeneity test from five mixing machines that five samples each were also taken. Data of feedstuff quality were analyzed using descriptive statistics compared to the SNI or previous research. Post-production sample data was compared to SNI using one-sample T-test, samples from the field data were tested using two-sample independent T-test compared to post-production samples or Mann-Whitney test if the data were not distributed normally, and the homogeneity test was seen from the coefficient of variation in salt content. Measurement of farmer satisfaction used CSI method and IPA with 100 farmers as respondents. The results showed that the supply chain performance value of dairy concentrate at KPSBU was in a very good category. The nutrient content and physical quality of feedstuff were relatively varied, only CGF and limestone complied with the standard. The highest density and bulk density were limestone and the highest compacted bulk density was salt, while the lowest physical quality was coffee chaff. The concentrate nutrient content complied with SNI and the physical quality were in the normal range. The homogeneity of the mixture was low with 26% coefficient of variation value. The nutrient content of samples taken from the field showed differentiation with postproduction samples except TDN. Farmer satisfaction showed 76,76% and was included in the very satisfied category. Based on the IPA analysis, the attributes that must be improved were dominated by the attributes of product quality.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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