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Title: Karakterisasi Fisikokimia dan Sensori Minuman Kawa Daun Secara In Vitro dan In Silico
Other Titles: Physicochemical and Sensory Characterization of Kawa Daun Beverage by In Vitro and In Silico
Authors: Yuliana, Nancy Dewi
Palupi, Nurheni Sri
Wahyudi, Setyanto Tri
Defri, Ifwarisan
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Dalam budidaya tanaman kopi, umumnya daun kopi hasil pemangkasan dibuang sebagai limbah oleh petani. Masyarakat Kecamatan Batipuh Ateh, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat menggunakan limbah daun kopi varietas robusta (Coffea canephora) sebagai minuman tradisional yang berpotensi sebagai minuman fungsional yang dikenal dengan nama “Kawa Daun”. Kata “Kawa” berasal dari serapan bahasa arab yang berarti air seduhan dari daun kopi. Cara pengeringan daun kopi dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu : (1) secara mekanis menggunakan cabinet dryer yang dilengkapi dengan pengatur suhu dan (2) secara tradisional turun temurun (manual) dengan pengasapan diatas tungku batu dengan bahan bakar batang kayumanis. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan daun kopi sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan minuman kawa daun memiliki beberapa komponen bioaktif yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan yaitu 3-methylxanthine, xanthine, theophylline, 7methylxanthosine, xanthosine, caffeic acid, uric acid, caffeine, xanthone, theobromine, dan lainnya. Kebanyakan pembuat kawa daun di Kabupaten Tanah Datar memproduksi minuman kawa daun dengan mutu tidak konsisten, sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi pengaruh berbagai waktu pengasapan (0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam) terhadap sifat fisik seperti kadar air, karakteristik sensori dan karakteristik kimia, seperti pH dan aktivitas antioksidan in vitro. Prediksi dan identifikasi komponen bioaktif daun kopi yang paling berperan sebagai antioksidan dilakukan secara in silico dengan melibatkan protein target (reseptor) peroksiredoksin V (PrxV) kode 3MNG. Peroksiredoksin (Prxs) merupakan peroksidase penting yang terkait dengan perlindungan antioksidan dan pensinyalan redoks pada manusia. Struktur PrxV manusia pada resolusi 1,45 A° memiliki ikatan dithiothreitol di sisi aktif dengan bagian diolnya yang meniru dua oksigen dari substrat peroksida. Hal ini menunjukkan diol dan senyawa di-oksigen serupa sebagai bentuk baru inhibitor kompetitif untuk Prxs. Protein jenis ini sangat efektif digunakan sebagai reseptor antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1) Memperoleh waktu pengasapan optimal berdasarkan karakteristik fisikokimia dan sensori minuman kawa daun, (2) Mendapatkan aktivitas antioksidan minuman kawa daun terbaik berdasarkan waktu pengasapan dan (3) Memprediksi komponen bioaktif daun kopi yang mempunyai potensi sebagai antioksidan berdasarkan interaksi dan energi afinitas melalui penambatan molekuler (molecular docking). Hasil penelitian menunjukan minuman kawa daun terbaik secara karakteristik fisikokimia dan sensori diperoleh pada perlakuan waktu pengasapan 6 jam dengan kadar air 3,04 %, pH 6,63, stabilitas warna L* = 8,81, a* = 8,43, b* = -14,70, dan tingkat penerimaan uji hedonik dengan skala uji 1-6 diperoleh warna 4,19, aroma 4,39, rasa 4,25, dan keseluruhan 4,34. Diperoleh aktivitas antioksidan terbaik dengan nilai IC50 <20 ppm pada kawa daun yang mengalami waktu pengasapan 0 dan 2 jam. Hal ini menunjukan perlakuan waktu pengasapan 0 dan 2 jam mampu menangkal radikal bebas sebesar 50% pada konsentrasi kurang dari 20 ppm. Hasil penambatan molekuler antara reseptor Peroksiredoksin V (PrxV) dengan ligan uji 33 komponen bioaktif daun kopi menunjukan ada 10 senyawa yang paling berpotensi sebagai antioksidan berdasarkan energi afinitas yang paling negatif yaitu xanthone (-4,9 kcal/mol), uric acid (-4,8 kcal/mol), xanthosine (-4,8 kcal/mol), caffeine (-4,6 kcal/mol), 3-methylxanthine (-4,6 kcal/mol), 7-methylxanthosine (-4,6 kcal/mol), theobromine (-4,5 kcal/mol), theophylline (-4,5 kcal/mol), caffeic acid (-4,5 kcal/mol) dan xanthine (-4,4 kcal/mol). 10 besar ligan tersebut memliki interaksi yang lebih kuat dari ligan kontrol 1,2-dithiane-4,5-diol (D1D) yang memiliki energi afinitas (-3,6 kcal/mol).
Generally, in coffee cultivation, the pruned coffee leaves are considered as waste by farmers. The native people of Batipuh Ateh District, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra Province utilized the waste of pruning coffee leaves (Coffea canephora) as a potential local traditional beverage to be a functional beverage "Kawa Daun". The name derives from the local language "Kawa" which is absorbed from Arabic, which means brewing water from coffee leaves. There are two drying process : (1) mechanically by a cabinet dryer with temperature control, and (2) traditionally is a hereditary drying process (manually) by smoking over a stone fireplace with a fuel of cinnamon wood. Previous research showed that coffee leaves as a raw ingredient for kawa daun beverage have several bioactive components that have potential as antioxidants. They are 3-methylxanthine, xanthine, theophylline, 7methylxanthosine, xanthosine, caffeic acid, uric acid, caffeine, xanthone, theobromine, and others. Most of kawa daun producers in Tanah Datar produce kawa daun beverage by inconsistent qualities. Therefore, kawa daun needs to evaluate the effect of different smoking times (0, 2, 4,and 6 hours) on physical properties such as moisture content, sensory characteristics and chemical properties such as pH and in vitro of antioxidant activity. Prediction and identification of bioactive components from coffee leaf that have the most role as antioxidant were conducted in silico by involving the target protein (receptor) peroxiredoxin V (PrxV) with 3MNG code. Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are important peroxidase associated with antioxidant protection and redox signaling in humans. The human PrxV structure at a resolution of 1,45 A° has a dithiothreitol bond on the active site with its diol portion equals to two oxygens from the peroxide substrate. This suggests diols and similar di-oxygen compounds as new forms of competitive inhibitors for Prxs. This type of protein is very effectively used as an antioxidant receptor. This study aims: (1) to obtaining the optimal smoking time based on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of kawa daun beverage, (2) to obtaining the best antioxidant activity based on smoking time, and (3) to predicting the bioactive components of the coffee leaf that have potential as antioxidants based on interactions and affinity energy through molecular docking. The results showed that the best kawa daun beverage on physicochemicals and sensory characteristics obtained on the treatment of 6-hour smoking. It had moisture content of 3,04%, pH 6,63, color stability of L* = 8,81, a* = 8,43, and b* = -14,70. The level of acceptance for color was 4,19, aroma 4,39, taste 4,25, and overall, 4,34 from 6 point scale. The best antioxidant activity was obtained on the treatments of 0-hour and 2-hour smoking with IC50 value of <20 ppm. The 0-hour and 2-hour smoking can prevent 50% free radicals at concentrations less than 20 ppm. The results of molecular docking between PrxV and 33 bioactive components of the coffee leaf showed that 10 bioactive components had the most potential as antioxidants based on negativity of the affinity energy. They were xanthone (-4,9 kcal/mol), uric acid (-4,8 kcal/mol), xanthosine (-4,8 kcal/mol), caffeine (-4,6 kcal/mol), 3-methylxanthine (-4,6 kcal/mol), 7-methylxanthosine (4,6 kcal/mol), theobromine (-4,5 kcal/mol), theophylline (-4,5 kcal/mol), caffeic acid (-4,5 kcal/mol), and xanthine (-4,4 kcal/mol). The top 10 ligands have stronger interactions than the control ligand 1,2-dithiane-4,5-diol (D1D) with affinity energy (-3.6 kcal/mol).
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture Technology

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