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Title: Formulasi Bubuk Penyedap Rasa Dari Campuran Rumput Laut (Ulva lactuca) dan Ekstrak Hasil Samping Kepala Ikan Tuna
Other Titles: Formulation of Flavor Powder from Seaweed (Ulva lactuca) and Extract Head of Tuna Fish by Product
Authors: Santoso, Joko
Haryanto, Donny Dwi
Issue Date: 8-Feb-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bubuk flavor dari air rebusan kepala tuna dapat dicampurkan dengan bubuk Ulva lactuca sehingga menjadi bubuk penyedap. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengekstrak protein dari kepala tuna dengan perlakuan suhu dan waktu berbeda dan menentukan formulasi bubuk penyedap terbaik yang berasal dari percampuran Ulva lactuca dengan bubuk flavor air rebusan kepala tuna serta mengetahui karakteristik produk yang dihasilkan. Bubuk flavor kepala tuna dengan protein tertinggi didapat pada perlakuan suhu 100°C dan waktu 60 menit. Karakteristik dari bubuk flavor air rebusan kepala tuna yang dihasilkan adalah kadar protein 5.42%, kadar protein 21.77%, kadar lemak 0.29% dan kadar abu 7.43%. Formulasi terpilih didapat pada penambahan bubuk flavor sebesar 2.5%. Karakteristik dari bubuk penyedap yang dihasilkan yaitu kadar air 12.21%, kadar protein 9.34%, kadar lemak 0.87%, kadar abu 23.72%, karbohidrat 54.13% dan serat pangan 47.06%.
The flavor powder of tuna head boiled juice can be mixed with Ulva lactuca powder so that it becomes seasoning. This study aims to extract protein from tuna heads with different temperature and time treatments and determine the best powdered seasoning formulation from mixing Ulva lactuca with the powder of tuna head boiled juice and to determine the chracteristics of the resulting product. Tuna head flavor powder with the highest protein was obtained at treatment temperature of 100 °C and time of 60 minutes. The characteristics of the resulting tuna head boiled water flavor powder were 5.42% moisture content, 21.77% protein content, 0.29% fat content and 7.43% ash content. The selected formulation is obtained by adding a flavor powder of 2.5%. The characteristics of the resulting seasoning are 12.21% moisture content, 9.34% protein content, 0.87% fat content, 23.72% ash content, 54.13% carbohydrates and 47.06% dieatary fiber.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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