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Title: Karakteristik Yoghurt Spirulina dengan Starter Lactobacillus plantarum SK (5) pada Perbedaan Konsentrasi Biomassa dan Waktu Inkubasi
Other Titles: Characteristics of Spirulina Yoghurt by starter Lactobacillus plantarum SK(5) in Different Biomass Concentration and Incubate Term
Authors: Desniar, Desniar
Setyaningsih, Iriani
Adhani, Siti Wahdini
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lactobacillus plantarum SK(5) merupakan bakteri probiotik asal bekasam dan dapat digunakan sebagai starter dalam pembuatan yoghurt. Spirulina platensis termasuk kedalam cyanobacteria yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh. Penambahan spirulina dalam fermentasi yoghurt dengan starter L. plantarum SK(5) bertujuan menentukan suhu dan lama fermentasi yoghurt spirulina berdasarkan perubahan pH menentukan pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi spirulina basah dan waktu inkubasi terhadap nilai pH, kadar asam tertitrasi, dan total BAL yoghurt spirulina; serta menentukan karakteristik yoghurt terpilih setelah fermentasi 24 jam. Penelitian terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu 1) penyegaran dan kultivasi spirulina; 2) penyiapan kultur starter L. plantarum SK(5); 3) penentuan waktu dan suhu inkubasi yoghurt spirulina; 4) Pembuatan yoghurt spirulina dengan waktu dan suhu inkubasi terpilih menggunakan starter L. plantarum SK(5). Suhu dan lama fermentasi terbaik pada yoghurt spirulina terpilih yaitu 37oC dan 24 jam. Penambahan spirulina dan waktu inkubasi mempengaruhi secara nyata terhadap nilai pH, kadar TAT, dan total BAL yoghurt spirulina. Penambahan spirulina 1.5% dengan lama fermentasi 24 jam merupakan perlakuan terpilih berdasarkan nilai pH dan kadar TAT. Karakteristik dari yoghurt spirulina terpilih memiliki nilai pH 3.9, kadar TAT 1.195%, Total BAL 9.11 log cfu/mL, viskositas 85.25 cPs, kadar protein 38.43%, kadar lemak 26.93%, dan nilai IC50 297.06 mg/L.
Lactobacillus plantarum SK(5) is a probiotic bacteria which isolated from bekasam and that can be used as starter in yoghurt process. Spirulina platensis belong to cyanobacteria which hold many function for healthy. The addition spirulina in yoghurt with starter L. plantarum SK(5) expected to determined effect of temperature and time of fermentation yoghurt spirulina by based on pH, determined effect of spirulina wet biomass concentration and incubation time to pH, total acid content, with total L. plantarum SK(5), and the characteristics of selected product after fermentation for 24 hours. This research consist to four stage namely 1) refreshing and cultivation of spirulina; 2) the preparation culture starter L. plantaurm SK(5); 3) the determination time and temperature of incubation yoghurt spirulina; 4) the production yoghurt spirulina with the selected time and temperature using L. plantarum SK(5) as starter. The temperature and incubation time selected for spirulina yoghurt were 37oC and 24 hour. The addition spirulina and incubation time had a significant effect on the pH alue, the levels of TAT, and total LAB yoghurt spirulina.The best treatments in this research was the addition of 1.5% spirulina with incubation times of 24 hours. Characteristics of yoghurt spirulina 1.5% include pH 3.9, total acids contents 1.195%, total LAB 9.11 log cfu/mL, viscosity 85.25 cPs, protein contents 3.00%, fat contents 3.14%, and IC50 287.06 mg/L
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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