dc.description.abstract | The researc~ was conducted to examine the morphology of male and female of
Mil'''' Stork In the field, nest trees and reproduction (sexual' feeding re t·
behnTa vior and growt h a f young and pes'tic i.d e content within I"e gg shells. S Tmheg
research has been C?~~uc~ed from February 2000 to February 2001. The research
consisted of twcractlv~tles .,.e. (1~ ~n Rambut Island for 6 months (2) in the Lab of
Biochemistry and ~~zlmatlc, Balitblo, Bogar, for 4 months to analyze the content of
the egg shell pesticide. The sexual morphology of Milky Stork was different based
on the color of the beaks head, face color of feathers on the body on neck.
Morphological characters can be used to distinguish the sex of the bird. The male
neck, part of cervical vertebrae bend forward, while the back band upward when
nesting. The population of Milky Stork in February and March was 26 individuals,
but the total young in March, April and May were 29 individuals, so that at the end
of the breading season there were 55 individuals. Milky Stork used most Kepuh
trees (Sterculia foetida) for nesting because the trees are tall, have large strong but
branches not rigid. The average height of the nest trees was 21,46± 4,48 m and
the average diameter was 1.003 ± 0.15 m. The Milky Stork needed 3.45 ± 0.37
minutes for courtship and 2.5 ± 2.9 seconds for copulation. The average time to
get materials for the nest was 12.0 ± 3.1 minutes for male and 9.0 ± 4.1 minutes on
female. To build the nests most were done by the female (1Ot 3.1 minutes) while
by the male was 12.1± 9.0 minutes. The average size of the Milky Stork nest is
55.3 em long, 7.14 cm thick, and 48.5 cm wide. The female needed 42.27 ± 26.57
minutes for incubation, while the male needed 43.39 ± 27. 13 minutes. The male
spent 47.50 ± 16.25 minutes to get food, while the female spent 56.51± 3.54
minutes. The resting time of male was 28.58 ± 9.54 minutes and of the female wa~
30.25 ± 12.59 minutes. The growth of body weight and length started from 5 until
25 days, the beak and the weight grew faster after 20 days old. Breast and the
tibiotarsus also grew faster after 20 days old. The tarsometarsus, radius and ulna
grew faster after 10 days old. While, the tail (pygostyle) grew after 15 days old. ~
seems that the young grew normally. During the development. of the young th:
ha~ not been seen any abnormality. The average concentration of endosulp an
reSidue in the shell was 0.04 ± 0.007 ppm. | id |