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dc.contributor.authorSukma, Dewi
dc.contributor.authorSudiatso, Sugeng
dc.contributor.authorHarran, Said
dc.description.abstractRoot of Trichosanthes sp. has been reported containing various bioactive compounds that might have many potential uses for agriculture and human health. In this research root culture is employed as a technique to study bioactive compounds accumulated in the root tissue of Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina. The objectives of this study were to initiate T. cucumerina var. anguina hairy root culture using genetic transformation mediated by Agrobacterium rhizogenes; to select lines of T. cucumerina var. anguina hairy root that could stably grow on culture medium without plant growth regulator, and to determine factors affecting biomass and total protein content of T. cucumerina var. anguina hairy root culture. The results showed that hairy root culture of T. cucumerina var. anguina could be initiated using genetic transformation mediated by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The genetically transformed root cultures could grow on culture medium with no supplementation of plant growth regulator for at least 20 sub-cultures periods. The number of root tip explants used for initiating hairy root culture and the length of harvesting period significantly affected the biomass yield and total protein content. Optimal production of biomass could be achieved using seven initial tips of hairy root explants and harvested the biomass after eight days. Supplementation of casein hydrolysate did not increase biomass yield and total protein content. However, these treatments induced the development of short and bigger size hairy
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectKasein Hidrolisatid
dc.subjectAkar Rambut Paria Belutid
dc.subjectUmur Kulturid
dc.titlePengaruh Jumlah Eksplan,Umur Kultur, dan Kasein Hidrolisat Terhadap Biomassa dan Total Protein Kultur Akar Rambut Paria Belutid

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