Now showing items 31-40 of 593
Aktivitas Xilanase Beberapa Pleurotus ostreatus Menggunakan Substrat Pelepah dan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit
Xylanase is a unique enzyme which could produced by bacteria and fungi. Xylanase has been known to have a various pH and temperature for its optimum activity, a reason why xylanase could be used in industries. Pleurotus ...
Vigor daya simpan dan vigor kekuatan tumbuh benih pada beberapa genotipe cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)
Chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of commercial vegetables which has high economic value in Indonesia. The research was aimed to study the storability period and vigor of nine genotypes of chili pepper seeds through ...
Evaluasi Lanskap Permukiman Padat Kelurahan Babakan Pasar Sebagai Upaya Pendukung Revitalisasi Kawasan CBD (Central Business District) Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor
Generally, growth level of people in CBD area enhance amount of slum settlement in Indonesia. In slum settlement, enhancement of settlement was not followed by amount of area, so it could decrease fulfilling of basic needs ...
Karakteristik Habitat Peneluran Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys olivacea, Hirth 1971) di Taman Wisata Alam Air Hitam, Bengkulu
Olive ridley features the most common sea turtle species in TWA Air Hitam, which listed as endangered species under IUCN redlist. The objectives of this research were to describe characteristics of shore environment and ...
Rasio Molar dan Konsentrasi Katalis Methyl Ester Sulfonic Acid pada Proses Sintesis Gliseril Ester
Glycerol is a by-product of biodiesel industry production which still can be further processed into more value-added products. The example is the utilization of glycerol by means of esterification between glycerol and oleic ...
Pendugaan Nilai Aset Pendanaan Pensiun dengan Dua Jenis Pemulusan: Studi Kasus Data Mortalitas Indonesia 2011
Determinating the value of assets at the beginning of each period is a problem faced by an insurance company. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the value of pension funding assets of a company using exponential and ...
Pengaruh Rasio Etanol dan Air serta Konsentrasi NaOH pada Pemurnian Mono-Diasilgliserol
Mono-diacylglycerol (MDAG) is an emulsifier which can be obtained by esterifying glycerol and free fatty acids. Esterification result still contain FFA and TAG fraction that can degrade the quality of MDAG. Therefore, to ...
Kajian terhadap Sosialisasi Nota Kesepahaman Indonesia – Malaysia tentang Penangkapan Ikan oleh Nelayan di Wilayah Tumpang Tindih Selat Malaka, Sumatera Utara
The government of the Republic of Indonesia signed an MoU with the government of Malaysia on January 27, 2012 as a temporary solution to ensure the safety and treatment of the fishermen from both countries who engage in ...
Karakterisasi Membran Komposit Nilon-Arang Untuk Proses Filtrasi Timbal.
Research about membrane technology that made from nylon thread with extra banana peel kepok charcoal had been done. Membranes had been made from ingredient variation, there are 6.9 g, 6.6 g, 6.5 g, 6.5 g, and 6.5 g nilon ...
Pengaruh Pemberian Abu Sekam, P, dan K terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai Hitam pada Budi Daya Jenuh Air di Lahan Pasang Surut
The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of husk ash, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer on the growth and production of black soybean under saturated soil culture on tidal swamps. The experiment was conducted ...