Karakteristik Genetik pada Rusa Jawa (Cervus Timorensis De Blainville 1882), Babirusa (Babyrousa Babyrussa) dan Babi (Sus Scrofa Linn)
I<osc;~rcho ~gie netic polymorphism was conducted by using an electrophoresis technique. Material used for this experiment cons~stedo f 14 adult .lavan dccrs (('ert~lrs ~rtr~orensdrse Blainville. 1882). 8 babirusa (Buhyro~tsab ubyrnrssu) and 5 adult pig (S~rss crofa, Linn). Electrophoretic results showed poly~norphis~ilisn plasm and red blood protein in these three kinds of animals. The highest average heterozygosity was 0.3555 2 0.1 187 obtained in Babirusa. whereas pig and deer were 0.3033 2 0.0068 and 0,3 176 2 0.1049 respectively. Genetic similarity between pairs of pig and babirusa was 0.73 and those ot'pig and deer was 1.83.