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dc.contributor.authorTawakkal, Muhammad Iqbal
dc.contributor.authorBuchori, Damayanti
dc.contributor.authorHindayana, Dadan
dc.description.abstractTritrophic interaction between plants, pest and natural enemies especially parasitoid play important role in oil palm biological control. The stability of trophic interactions could suppress the rate attack and pest density in oil palm plantation. The objective of this research was to study trophic interaction between palm oil, pests, and parasitoids, and also to investigate the factors that affecting parasitoid existence as well as to analyze parasitoid role in oil palm. This study was conducted in smallholders and private (PT. Humusindo) oil palm plantation from April 2016 to June 2016. Sampling was conducted using three methods for two different purposes i.e. direct sampling (hand collection) was used to collect eggs, larvae and pupae of oil palm pests to determine parasitoid types and parasitism rate, yellow sticky trap and sweep net for parasitoid diversity. All insects were sampled on 100 x 100 m area that consist of 100 plants. The samples were identified up to morphospecies level. Overall, 15 morphospecies of pests and 131 morphospecies of parasitoids were found. Limacodidae was found as the pest that had many interactions with few parasitoids from different families, one of it was Braconids. The presence of the parasitoid in oil palm area was affected by host availability, the vegetation of flowering plants also the use of
dc.publisherUnit Kajian Hama Termpadu, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian IPBid
dc.titleInteraksi Tri-Tropik dan Keanekaragaman Parasitoid pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Jambiid
dc.title.alternativeTritrophic Interaction and Biodiversity of Parasitoid on Oil Palm Plantation in Jambiid
dc.subject.keywordbiological controlid
dc.subject.keywordpalm oilid

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