Pemodelan Optimisasi Pemanfaatan Air Tanah untuk Irigasi yang Berkelanjutan
The model of optimum groundwater use is develoved by considering the environmental, economical and social aspects. The objectives of this model are to optimize groundwater use and to determine the distance between well which comply with those three aspects. The specific objectives of this optimisation are to maximise groundwater use, to irrigate broad sawah area, economic reasonable and to maintain the distance between well in order to avoid social conflict. Determinant approach is done based on the equation of groundwater flow in steady state to achieve groundwater head. The equation is solved numerically by using Solver Add-Ins in Microsoft Office Excel. The validation test of model on experimental result shows determinan coefficient of 0.85. The simulation shows the optimum distance between well is 480 m with 1,056 m3/d discharge for each well. If this scenario is applied, farmer will achieve additional income of Rp. 973,521/ha. On that well distance and discharge there well be no negative effect for other groundwater user farmer in that area.
- Proceedings [2790]