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dc.contributor.authorYani, A.
dc.contributor.authorSuhardiyanto, H.
dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, B. P.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to analyze the air temperature distribution in a closed house system for broiler in wet tropical climate by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to figure out the comfort level of the broiler in that system. The dimension of the experimental house was 100 m x 10 m x 2.4 m which could be occupied by 12,000 to 16,000 broiler chickens. The wall was made from expose mercy brick and curtain, plafond was made from galvanize, ventilation system used 6 fans with 1.27 m diameter and cooling pad and in-house lighting system used 60 units of 8 Watt lamps. The analysis of temperature distribution using CFD had high precision as was shown by the small number of average percentage of deviation (6.39%) between analyzed and measured results. Horizontally, the temperature distribution near the cooling pad was lower than others and continued to increase until near the position of the fan. In vertically, the air temperature in the area near the husks and the plafond were higher than the other mesurement points. At that height, the effective temperatures which were still comfort for the broiler were 20.07 oC, 19.81 oC and 20.04 oC at 12:20 h, 13:55 h and 15:20 h, respectivelyid
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis distribusi suhu udara pada kandang ayam broiler sistem tertutup di daerah beriklim tropika basah menggunakan computational fluid dynamics (CFD) untuk menentukan tingkat kenyamanan ayam broiler pada kandang sistem tertutup. Kandang yang digunakan berukuran 100 m x 10 m x 2,4 m, yang dapat menampung 12.000 sampai 16.000 ekor ayam broiler. Lantai kandang terbuat dari semen beton, dinding terbuat dari bata expose mercy dan tirai, plafon menggunakan galvanis, sistem ventilasi menggunakan 6 kipas berdiameter 1,27 m dan cooling pad dan sistem pencahayaan dalam kandang menggunakan lampu 8 Watt sebanyak 60 unit. Hasil analisis distribusi suhu udara menggunakan CFD memiliki tingkat validasi dan ketelitian cukup tinggi dengan rendahnya nilai persentase deviasi rata-rata (6,39%) antara hasil analisis dengan hasil pengukuran. Secara horizontal, distribusi suhu udara dekat cooling pad lebih rendah dan terus mengalami peningkatan sampai mendekati posisi kipas. Secara vertikal, suhu udara di daerah dekat sekam dan plafon lebih tinggi dibandingkan ketinggian lainnya. Suhu efektif pada ketinggian 0,2 m sebesar 20,07 oC (pukul 12.20 WIB), 19,81 oC (pukul 13.55 WIB) dan 20,04 oC (pukul 15.20 WIB) yang masih tergolong suhu nyaman untuk ayam
dc.publisherMedia Peternakanid
dc.titleAnalysis of Air Temperature Distribution in a Closed House for Broiler in Wet Tropical Climateid
dc.subject.keyworddistribusi suhu udaraid
dc.subject.keywordkandang tertutupid
dc.subject.keywordcomputational fluid dynamicsid

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