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dc.contributor.authorPujiwati, H.
dc.contributor.authorGhulamahdi, M.
dc.contributor.authorYahya, S.
dc.contributor.authorAziz, S. A.
dc.contributor.authorHaridjaja, O.
dc.description.abstractImprovement of growing environment and the use of varieties can be used to mitigate environmental stress of marginal land. An Experiment was conducted with several objectives (1) to identify growth and yield of black soybean at several depths of water table, (2) to identify growth and yield of black soybean as effected by application of several ameliorants, (3) to identify growth and yield of several black soybean varieties. The experiment was held under peat mineral soils with watershed B type of tidal land in Banyuasin, South Sumatera on May to August 2014. Factors investigated were depth of water table (10 and 20 cm), variety (Tanggamus – as control, Cikuray, Ceneng) and ameliorant type (river water, peat water, and high-tide water). These factors were arranged in a Split-plot Design with three replications. The results showed that, Cenangat a depth of 20 cm water level has harvesting weight and highest produktivity of 567.10 gand 3.97ton ha-1 and there are no real differences to ameliorant
dc.publisherPerhimpunan Agronomi Indonesiaid
dc.titleProduktivitas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja) pada Sistem Budidaya Jenuh Air dengan Penggunaan Amelioran dan Kedalaman Muka Air pada Tanah Mireral Bergambut Lahan Pasang Surutid
dc.subject.keywordblack soybeanid
dc.subject.keywordwater saturated growing systemid
dc.subject.keywordKedelai Hitamid
dc.subject.keywordBudidaya Jenuh Airid
dc.subject.keywordTanah Mireral Bergambutid
dc.subject.keywordLahan Pasang Surutid

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