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dc.contributor.authorSutjahjo, Surjono H.
dc.contributor.authorHerison, Catur
dc.contributor.authorSulastrini, Ineu
dc.contributor.authorMarwiyah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorNindita, Anggi
dc.description.abstractInformasi genetik suatu populasi diperlukan untuk mendukung kegiatan seleksi dalam pemuliaan tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi keragaman genetik dari beberapa populasi tomat yang diuji di dataran rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Juli sampai November 2014 di KP Leuwikopo IPB (250 m dpl) dengan materi genetik yaitu 13 populasi F1 dan 8 tetua tomat. Genotipe yang diuji berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakter yang diamati seperti tinggi tanaman, padatan total terlarut, jumlah buah, jumlah rongga buah, persen bobot buah pecah, persen jumlah buah pecah, dan kekerasan buah tomat. Nilai GCV tinggi pada karakter bobot buah total. jumlah rongga buah, persen bobot buah pecah, persen jumlah buah pecah, dan kekerasan buah menunjukkan adanya pengaruh keragaman genetik tinggi dibandingkan pengaruh Iingkungan. Karakter tinggi tanaman dan kekerasan buah memiliki nilai duga heritabilitas tinggi dan kemajuan genetik tinggi. Seleksi sederhana secara efektif dapat dilakukan pada populasi tomat di dataran rendah ini berdasarkan penampilan fenotipik kedua karakter
dc.description.abstractGenetic intormation of plant population is important for selection in breeding program. The objective of this experiment were to study the genetic variability of some tomato populations in lowland. The experiment done at Leuwikopo IPB field research station (250 m dpl), July until November 2014. The study consisted 13 F1 populations and 8 parental line. Genotypes was significant to plant height, total suspended solid, number of fruit, number of locules per fruit, weight percentage of fruit cracking, percentage of fruit cracking, and firmness of fruit. High estimation of GCV were obtained for total fruit weight, number of locules per fruit, weight percentage of fruit cracking, percentage of fruit cracking, and firmness of fruit, indicated genetic influence were higher than environment influence on phenotypes. Hight heritability assisted with hight genetic advance was observed for plant height and firmness of fruit. Simple selection based on phenotypic performance of these traits would be more effective for these tomato population in
dc.publisherLembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat IPBid
dc.titleUji Variabilitas Genetik Beberapa Populasi F1 Tomat di Dataran Rendahid
dc.title.alternativeGenetic Variability Analysis of Some Population F1 Tomato in Lowlandid
dc.subject.keywordkemajuan genetikid
dc.subject.keywordragam genetikid
dc.subject.keywordDataran Rendahid
dc.subject.keywordPopulasi F1id

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