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dc.contributor.authorSumantri, Cece
dc.contributor.authorDiyono, R
dc.contributor.authorFarajallah, ahmad
dc.contributor.authorAnggraeni, A
dc.contributor.authorAndreas, Erik
dc.identifier.citationVol.15 No.4 Desember 2010 Hal.286-296id
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT SUMANTRI, C., R. DIYONO, A. FARAJALLAH, A. ANGGRAENI and E. ANDREAS. 2010. Aplication of growth hormone genes familly (GH, GHR, GHRH and Pit-1) for detecting genetic variation of buffaloes in Pandeglang and Lebak districts in Banten Province. JITV 15(4): 286-296. Selection using genetic markers are commonly performed to improve livestock productivity in the livestock industry. The objectives of this study were to identify growth hormone genes family (GH|MspI, GH|AluI, GHR|AluI, GHRH|HaeIII and Pit-1|HinfI) polymorphisms of Banten buffalo population consisted of Pandeglang and Lebak subpopulations. A total number of 209 blood samples were collected from 15 districts. Genomic DNAs were extracted by a standard phenol-chloroform protocol and amplified by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques, then PCR products of GH, GHR, GHRH and Pit-1 Genes were digested with MspI, AluI, HaeIII and HinfI enzyme restriction. Fragments of GH|MspI, GH|AluI, GHR|AluI, GHRH|HaeIII and Pit-1|HinfI were detected by EtBr method. The results showed that GH|MspI and GHRH|HaeIII loci were polymorphic, GH|AluI, GHR|AluI and Pit-1|HinfI, loci were monomorphic. GH allele (-) at locus GH|MspI was only found in Cisata (0.03) and Menes (0.11). Allele B at locus GHRH|HaeIII only found in Cibadak (0.42), Cisata (0.30) and Menes (0.11). In the total population of Banten locus GH|MspI have low diversity (He = 0.02) and polymorphic information content (Pic = 0.02), whereas GHRH|HaeIII locus has a higher diversity (He = 0.23) and Pic (0.22).id
dc.description.abstractABSTRAK SUMANTRI, C., R. DIYONO, A. FARAJALLAH, A. ANGGRAENI dan E. ANDREAS. 2010. Pemanfaatan famili gen hormon pertumbuhan (GH, GHR, GHRH dan PIT-1) untuk mendeteksi keragaman genetik kerbau di Kabupaten Pandeglang dan Lebak Provinsi Banten. JITV 15(4): 286-296. Seleksi dengan menggunakan marker genetik sudah umum dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak di industri peternakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keragaman gen GH, GHR, GHRH dan Pit-1 pada lokus (GH|MspI, GH|AluI, GHR|AluI, GHRH|HaeIII dan Pit-1|HinfI) pada populasi kerbau Banten (Pandeglang dan Lebak) dengan metode polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP) Sebanyak 209 sampel darah dikoleksi dari 15 kecamatan. Genom DNA diekstrak menggunakan phenol-chloroform protocol dan diamplifikasi dengan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR), kemudian PCR produk dipotong dengan enzim restriksi. Potongan fragmen dari gen GH|MspI, GH|AluI, GHR|AluI, GHRH|HaeIII dan Pit-1|HinfI dideteksi dengan metoda EtBr. Analisis polimorfisme meliputi frekuensi alel dan genotipe, heterosigositas pengamatan (Ho), heterosigositas harapan (He) dan keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg. Lokus GH|MspI dan GHRH|HaeIII bersifat polimorfik, sedangkan lokus GH|AluI, GHR|AluI dan Pit-1|HinfI bersifat monomorfik. Alel GH(-) pada lokus GH|MspI hanya ditemukan di kecamatan Cibarani (0,03) dan Kecamatan Menes (0,11). Alel B pada lokus GHRH|HaeIII hanya ditemukan di kecamatan Cibadak (0,42), Cibarani (0,30) dan Menes (0,11) Pada populasi total Banten lokus GH|MspI mempunyai keragaman yang rendah (He = 0,02) dan polymorphic information content (Pic = 0,02), sedangkan lokus GHRH|HaeIII mempunyai keragaman lebih tinggi (He = 0,23) dan Pic (0,22)id
dc.titlePemanfaatan Famili Gen Hormon Pertumbuhan (GH, GHR, GHRH dan PIT-1) untuk Mendeteksi Keragaman Genetik Kerbau di Kabupaten Pandeglang dan Lebak Provinsi Bantenid
dc.subject.keywordGrowth Hormone Genesid

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