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dc.contributor.authorY.P Rahmawati
dc.contributor.authorH. C. H. Siregar
dc.contributor.authorL. Cyrilla
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted to analyse technical and economical of Kalung crickets cultivation productivity and to analyse any factors that influence them. The research was conducted in Central Java (Demak, Kudus, and Purwodadi) and East Java (Tulungagung, Kediri, and Porong) from March 3rd until March 12nd, 2010. The research consisted of two stages: (1) determination of research area and the number of samples and (2) data collection. Survey method was used in this research and the samples were selected purposively based on farm scale and farmer's experience. The farms productivity, income and RIC ratio were analysed descriptively. The average of crickets production in Central and East Java were 9. 78 and 12. 69 tons/year respectively. Technical productivity in both provinces was not different, in contrary to economical productivity. The average income in Central Java was !DR 134,714,300.00 or 72.21%from !DR 186,566,666.00 revenue, while in East Java was !DR 149,899,333.00 or 58.56%from !DR 255,960,000.00 revenue. The RIC ratios in both provinces were more than one which meant the enterprises is profitable and feasible economically. The value of RIC ratio in Central Java (3.5) was higher than East Java (2. 6). Low RIC ratio value in East Java was caused by high cost in feed, equipment and cage. The farmers should utilize local resources
dc.publisherFaculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural Universityid
dc.relation.ispartofseries5-6 July 2012;
dc.subject.ddcAnimal husbandryid
dc.titleProductivity of Kalung Crickets ( Gryllus bimaculatus) Cultivation (Case Study in Central and East Java)id
dc.subject.keywordkalung crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus)id
dc.subject.keywordRIC rationid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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