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dc.contributor.authorPrihantoro, I
dc.contributor.authorAdiyanti, L
dc.contributor.authorPermana, A.T
dc.contributor.authorSetiana, M.A
dc.contributor.authorKarti, P.D.M.H
dc.description.abstractAquatic macrophytes, such as Azollapinnata has a wide rangeadaptation in growth and fast yield time. This plant has high nitrogen fixation ability and potency as high protein forage. The aim of this research was to measure production potency and protein content on several media. This research used complete randomized design withfour kinds of media: control, control + 10% paddy field mud, 10% paddy field mud + NPK (N 200kg ha-1, P2O5 150 kg/ha, and K2O 150 kg/ha),and 10% paddy field mud + compost (5g/l). The measured parameter were dissolved N absorption, doubling time cover area, biomass production, and protein content. Data were analyzed using ANOVA.The results showed that Azollapinnata has high dissolved N absorbtion (≥ 97.51%). Paddy field mud and kinds of media treatments significantly shortened doubling time cover area, increased biomass production and protein content compared with control. Compost + 10% paddy field mud was the best media to shortened doubling time cover area with the highest biomass production.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSierad Produceen
dc.publisherFaculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University
dc.subject.ddcAquaticmacrophytes, Azollapinnata, high protein forageen
dc.titleThe Potency of Azollapinnataas A High Protein Forage for High Productivity Livestocken

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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