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dc.contributor.authorMugniesyah, Siti Sugiah Machfud
dc.description.abstractSince the Government Of Indonesia (GOl) laun~hed the Law No. 22[J999 regarding Regional. Autonomy and the Presidentia( Decree· No. 912000 regarding Gender mainstreaming in Development Program, following the Law No. 25/2000 Tegarding National Development Program, countless efforts bave been condUcting by The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Ministries related to wral women empowerment in poverty alleviation and food security programs. In Ministry of Agricultute (MOA) especially, the PRA and gender- perspective approaches have been implementing in the various projects that enhance poor people in the rural area. Based on th0se projects, especially Rural Income Generating Project (P4K) and DAFEP experiences, it was found that the projects were successful to meet the practical and strategically gender needs, especially in the grass root levels. As the project focused on the income generating activities and reinforcing women farmer group dynamics dominantly, it would be useful to explore the Influence of project stimulant · and agricultural extension to meet the sustainability on group as well as the farming system. The lack of scx-disaggregated data that is needed to support the gender mainstreaming in agricultural department, led to the need in increasing the synergy of all working unit and the Focal P.oint under the MOAand other respected institutions. Along with these, the efforts to empower the WSCs in the universities, in tum, will give benefits in accelerating the achievement of gender equality and equity in agriculturaJ development mandated by Presidential. Instructi.on No. 9/2000.en
dc.subject.ddcrural women empowermenten
dc.subject.ddcPresidential Instructionen
dc.subject.ddcGender rnainstreamingen
dc.subject.ddcpoverty alleviationen
dc.titlePolicies and Programs 'for Advancement of Rural Women- in-Beijing Plus 10 Era:- Innovations and Constraints :- Country Reviewen

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