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dc.contributor.authorAhmad, Faozan
dc.contributor.authorAlatas, Husin
dc.description.abstractAn imporunt aspect of many biological proc:csscs al molecular level is the transfer and storage mechanism of biocnergy released in the reaction of the hydrolysis of Adenosinctriphosphalc (ATP) by biomacromolccule espeaally protein. Model of SolilOO Davydov is a DCW break-through lhal could describe that mcdumism. Here wc have rclOnnulatcd quanrum mechanical the Davydov theory, using leasl -=tion principle. Dynamical aspect of the model is malyzcd by nwnerical calwlalion. We IOtmd two dynamical cases: the traveling and pinning solilOO that wc suggest they arc related to the energy transfer and saorage mc:chmism in the profCD. T...-:ling and pinning soliton cm be con&rolled by strength of coupling. In 3- cbannel approach, we IOund the bralher phenomena in IWich its frequency is detcnnined by intcrchannd coupling psamcta.en
dc.publisherAIP Publishing
dc.titleDynamics of Energy Distribution in Three Channel Alpha Helix Protein Based on Davydov's Ansatzen
dc.subject.keywordLeast Action Principleen
dc.subject.keywordDavydov Solitonen
dc.subject.keywordProlein PACS: 87.15.Aen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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