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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Judianto
dc.contributor.authorSumarwan, Ujang
dc.contributor.authorSuharjo, Budi
dc.description.abstractAbstract Accepted: May 2, 20 I 2 Online Published: July 20, 20 I 2 URL: I 8 I Obviously company must know how to cater to today's green consumers. This will lead to significant opportunities to grow the sales and increase market share. From literatures it is known there are factors which lead to consumer preference to enviromental friendly products. Those factors are attributes, personal characteristics and external factors. In this study those factors are put into a model which lead to consumer desire to buy. The objectives are to analyze those factors which influence the desire to buy environmental friendly products with Structural Equation Modelling, and to examine AIDA model in relation to promote the desire to buy. This will get main factors for marketing strategy and program for environmental friendly products to Indonesian consumers. Since Indonesia as tropical country has seen its citizen to high usage of air condition, which have seen a growing yearly sales to over 10% nationwide. This product will be the focus of this study, with respondents taken from household in Jakarta provincial area. It was found that external factor have influenced the desire to buy environmental friendly Air Condition product, more compare to other factors in personal characteristics and product attributes.en
dc.publisherCanadian Center of Science and Education
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 5;No. 8; 2012
dc.titleFactors Analysis in Desire to Buy Environmental Friendly Products Case Study for Air condition Productsen
dc.subject.keywordenvironmental friendly productsen
dc.subject.keywordgreen consumersen
dc.subject.keywordgreen marketingen

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