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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Firman
dc.contributor.authorBaidowi, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorNovebiyatno, Wildan
dc.contributor.authorS, Irma Lasmiana
dc.contributor.authorBudiarto, Tri
dc.description.abstractFertilization is a very important factor which has big deal on determining the success of plant cultivation. Surely, it is including the paddy cultivation. Effectiveness of Fertilization is required to reach ecofriendly cultivation. The requirement on calculating fertilizer becomes very essential competency to the rice farmers. Android technology development can be used to help identify the needs of Nitrogen element of paddy. Android technology is a very potential to be developed considering that nowadays this technology has been haunting by most people all over Indonesia, including the farmers. The trends of using Android among society and the reachable price have influenced farmers to have this technology. Android application is designed with Java programming language with the OpenCV image processing library. This application uses the color of paddy’s leaf as the parameters to calculate the paddy’s need of nitrogen. This application will be helping the farmer to calculate the needs of nitrogen correctly and faster compared to The Leaf Color Chart (BWD). Android Nitro-Analysis (ANALYS) will be very helpful for the farmers, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs on making a better rice cultivation management.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.titleAndroid nitro-analysis (analys): aplikasi cerdas identifikasi kebutuhan pupuk nitrogen padi melalui pemrosesan citra daunen
dc.subject.keywordN Fertilizationen

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