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dc.identifier.citationJurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, Desember 2012, hlm. 209-217 Vol. 16 No.3en
dc.identifier.issn0853 – 4217
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the optimum production from each of the factors of of cassava industry, and labor in Rajawali cassava chips industry, as well as research methods using case studies. Cassava Chips industries located in Johan Pahlawan subdistrict, West Aceh. The magnitude of the factors of production on cassava chips were analyzed with Cobb Douglas equation, demonstrating the value keofisien (r2) was 0.963, 0.613 for X1, 0,035 for X2 of and 0,0223 for X3 of and Fcalculated = 67.734, F table = 4.07. Its means that the factors of meterial (cassava) as X1, cooking oil as X2 and labor as X3 can explain the cassava chips for 99.73%, while 0.27% again explained by other factors beyond the modelsen
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah produksi optimum dari masing-masing faktor produksi ubi kayu, minyak goreng dan tenaga kerja pada industri keripik singkong rajawali, serta metode penelitian menggunakan cara studi kasus (case study). Industri Keripik Singkong Rajawali terletak di Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, Aceh Barat. Besarnya faktor produksi terhadap keripik singkong dianalisis dengan persamaan Cobb Douglas, menunjukkan nilai keofisien (R2) adalah 0,963, X1 sebesar 0,613, X2 sebesar (0,035) dan X3 sebesar (0,0223) serta Fhit = 67,734 , Ftab= 4,07. berarti bahwa penggunanan faktor-faktor produksi ubi kayu ( X1), minyak goreng ( X2) dan tenaga kerja (X3) mampu menjelaskan keripik singkong sebesar 99,73%, sedangkan 0,27% lagi dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar model yang diteliti.en
dc.titleAnalisis produksi optimum pada industri keripik singkong (studi kasus pada industri keripik singkong rajawali Di desa rundeng kecamatan johan pahlawan Kabupaten aceh barat)en
dc.title.alternativeThe analysis of the optimum production of cassava chips industry (case studies in rajawali cassava chips industrial in rundeng village Johan pahlawan district, west acehen
dc.subject.keywordCase studyen
dc.subject.keywordoptimum analysisen

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