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dc.contributor.authorPurwanto, Yohanes Aris
dc.contributor.authorDarmawati, Emmy
dc.contributor.authorSyaefullah, Enrico
dc.identifier.citationJurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI), Agustus 2012 Vol. 17 (2): 120 125en
dc.identifier.issn0853 ± 4217
dc.description.abstractOne of quality changes during storage of intact mangosteen fruit is firmness. This occurrence was predicted to have associate with moisture content in the pericarp. The objective of this research was to determine the correlation between moisture content and firmness, and to predict moisture content changes based on reflectance spectrum of near infra red (NIR). The correlation between moisture content and firmness at 13 C is y = 0.07972x2 ± 9.833x + 305.9 while at room temperature showed y = 0.1207x2 ± 14.89x + 460.8; in which y refers to firmness and x refers to moisture content in pericarp. The calibration and validation evaluation using partial least square of moisture content resulted in NIR and oven method showed that the magnitude of r is 0.758 0.882; RMSEC and RMSEP is 0.09 0.39%; CV<5% is at 2.5 3.3%. Moisture content prediction using NIR reflectant spektrum is y (temperature:8 C) = -0.057x + 65.14; y (temperature 13 C) = -0.253x + 64.96; y (room temperature) = -0.421x + 64.76.en
dc.description.abstractSalah satu perubahan kualitas pada buah manggis utuh selama penyimpanan adalah pengerasan kulit buah yang diduga berkaitan dengan kadar air kulit buah. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan korelasi antara kadar air dengan kekerasan, dan memprediksi perubahan kadar air berdasarkan reflektan near infrared (NIR). Hubungan kadar air dan kekerasan kulit buah manggis pada penyimpanan 13 °C dapat ditentukan dengan persamaan y = 0,07972x2 ± 9.833x + 305,9 dan pada suhu ruang y = 0,1207x2 ± 14,89x + 460,8; dimana nilai y adalah kekerasan kulit dan x adalah kadar air kulit buah. Evaluasi hasil kalibrasi dan validasi hasil pengukuran NIR dan metode oven menggunakan partial least square (PLS) menunjukkan nilai r sebesar 0,758 0,882; RMSEC dan RMSEP sebesar 0,09 0,39% dan CV<5% yaitu 2,5 3,3%. Prediksi kadar air kulit buah manggis berdasarkan reflektan NIR adalah y (suhu:8°C) = -0,057x + 65,14; y (suhu 13 C) = -0,253x + 64,96; y (suhu ruang) = -0,421x + 64,76.en
dc.titleIdentifikasi perubahan mutu selama penyimpanan buah manggis menggunakan near infra red spectroscopyen
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of Quality Changes of Mangosteen During Storage Using Near Infra Red Spectroscopyen
dc.subject.keywordchilling injuryen
dc.subject.keywordnear infra reden
dc.subject.keywordpartial least squareen
dc.subject.keywordstorage qualiten

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