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dc.contributor.authorAlamsyah, Zeffry
dc.contributor.authorSumarwan, Ujang
dc.contributor.authorYusuf, Eva Z
dc.identifier.issn0854 - 9699
dc.description.abstract50ft-drink market in Indonesia experiences growth in the last ten years. Besides influenced by increasing number of population and more types of soft-drink products launched, the growth was caused by consumption that is related to life-style. This encourages practitioners in soft-drink industry to understand what factors influencing the consumer when they buy soft-drink to consume, as this will be beneficial to formulate an effective marketing strategy. This research elaborates factors that are· predicted as influencer for consumer in choosing soft-drink to buy and consume during health and appearance situation. In summary, from 26 factors of product attributes, consumer charact~ristics, social, and environmental, there are 11 factors which sigllificantlyihfluence respondent decision to choose any type of soft-drink. These are: age, household expenditure, price, taste, aroma, product quality, halal certificate, product freshness,brand awareness, packaging volume, and advertising awareness. Bottled water, ready to drink tea, packaged milk, and isotonic are the most chosen soft-drink categories by respondenten
dc.publisherPusat Penelitian Univ. Mercu Buana
dc.subject.ddcBulletin Penelitian Univ. Mercu Buanaen
dc.titleAnalisis Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jenis Minuman Ringan Pada Situasi Konsumsi Health And Appearanceen
dc.subject.keywordmultinomial logiten
dc.subject.keywordinfluencing factorsen
dc.subject.keywordConsumption situationen

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