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dc.contributor.authorRahman Karnila
dc.identifier.citationJurnal Berkala Perikanan Terubuk. Vol 39 No 2 Juli 2011 Hal 51-60en
dc.description.abstractSea cucumber (Holothuria scabra J.) is one of fishery commodities which contain high nutritional and economic value. This study aims were 1) the physical characteristics of sea cucumber, 2) nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumbers fresh meat, and 3) the yield and nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber powdery fresh meat. The study was conducted in four stages of the experiment: 1) Preparation of meat of sea cucumber, 2) analysis of nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber fresh meat, 3) The making of powder of sea cucumber meat, and 4) analysis of yield and nutrient content (proximate) sea cucumber meat powder. Results showed the proportion between the parts of the body meat: offal end gonads: the skin: water and dirt were 4:3:2:1 (w / w), Fresh sea cucumber meat has a high nutrient content that is 87.03% water, 9,94% protein, 0.54% fat, 1.86% ash, and 0.64% carbohydrate. The average yield produced approximately 10.16%. While the nutrient content (proximate) powdery sea cucumber meat that is 9.13% water, 61.31% protein, 3.68% fat, 12.52% ash, and 13.36% carbohydrateen
dc.publisherJurnal Berkala Perikanan Terubuk. Himpunan Alumni Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau
dc.titleAnalisis Kandungan Nutrisi Daging Tepung Teripang Pasir (Holothuria scabra J.) Segaren
dc.subject.keywordsea cucumberen
dc.subject.keywordmeat of sea cucumberen
dc.subject.keywordpoder of sea cucumberen
dc.subject.keywordnutrient contenten

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