Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Perencanaan Taman Usada Taru Premana
(Departemen Arsitektur Lanskap, Faperta IPB, 2005)
Usada Taru Premana is manuscript of Balinese traditional healing method using herbs. The objective of study is to conserv the Balinese traditional healing method by transforming, spatially, the manuscript of Usada Taru ...
Menampilkan grafis data vector AutoCAD di internet
(InfoKomputer, 2001)
Landscape Planning Base on Bioregional Approach Case Study: Settlement Segment of CiLiwung River Bank in Bogor
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
Bogar are conservation area which have to preserved. The ideal land use of these areas is greenbelt but it has been occupied as built-up in areas. The settlements have caused environmental destruction and decrease health ...
Taman terapi hortikultura
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) Scheme Implementation in Upstream and Downstream Areas as an Alternative for Sustainable Ecological Network
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
Today either urban development or sustainable development should regard a balance between the development's objectives and environmental conservation as essential in order to enSUre the sustainability of the existing ...
Studi Identifikasi dan Aplikasi untuk Arsitektur Lansekap dari Beberapa Jenis/ Varitas Hibiscus di Daerah Jakarta, Bogor dan Cianjur: serta Studi Pembiakan Vegetatif dengan Cara Sambungan
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1986)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpullan informasi dari jenis/varitas hibiscus terutama yang potensial untuk dikembangkan dalam arsitektura lansekap. Dan untuk mempelajari keberhasilan pembiakan vegetatif dengan cara ...