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dc.contributor.authorHascaryo Iskandar, Budhi
dc.contributor.authorMawardi, Wazir
dc.description.abstractReef fishes are active not only during the day, but at night as well. The fish which more active in the day belong to diurnal fish and in the night belong to nocturnal fish. The objective of this research is to know those kind of fishes such as diurnal fish and nocturnal fish in Pari Island waters, north Jakarta. The result of this research showed, there were 45 species which consist of diurnal and nocturnal reef fish. In the group of diurnal reef fish showed increasing activity especially toward mid day and decresing toward evening, and in the group of nocturnal reef fish, there was not any activity change significantly toward midnight The value of index variance (H')=3.06452 (moderate), equity index (E)=0.80504 (high) and dominance index (C)=O.06627 (low).en
dc.publisherJurusan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan IPB
dc.titleStudi perbandingan keberadaan ikan-ikan karang nocturnal dan diurnal tujuan penangkapan di terumbu karang Pulau Pari Jakarta Utaraen
dc.title.alternativeComparative study on nocturnal and diurnal reef fishes in Pari Island reefs, North Jakartaen
dc.subject.keywordCoral reefen
dc.subject.keyworddiurnal fish and nocturnal fishen

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