Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Gambaran darah kambing yang bunting tunggal dan kembar 

      Maheshwari, Hera | Isdoni, B. | Aryani Sismin S. | Ekastuti, D.R. | Kusmorini, N. (2001)
      An experiment was conducted to study the profile of hematological parameters in pregnant does. Hematological parameters measured were haemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, erythrocyte and leucoqte counts with leucocyte ...
    • Gambaran Nitrogen Urea Darah Kambing Bunting 

      Isdoni | Hera M. | Aryani Sismin S. (1996)
      The research on blood urea nitrogen constituent of pregnant ewes has been carried out at the Departement of Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Bogor Agricultural University. Ten ewes with about ...