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dc.contributor.authorBahtiar, Rizal
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Nia Kurniawati
dc.description.abstractBlue swimming crab (BSC) is one offish species in Indonesia which have a potential export markets. In 2010, BSC exports accounted for about 17% (US $ 177 million) of the totalIndonesian fishery export to the US. In Cirebon, BSC have an important role in fishing activities. Regarding to this, BSC increasing production must also be accompanied by its sustainability. One effort that can be done is to apply "minimum legal size" (MLS) policy of fishing to anticipate an increasing trend ofcatching small BSC. Then, the general objective of the study is: to provide information on the economic value of implementing a MLS for the BSC fishery and comparing that with continuation of unregulated fishing (business as usual). The results show that in the considerably depleted area, MLS policy will increase BSC stock in early years. The model shows that for the next 10 years, BSC stock with the size bigger than 8.5 cm will increase in early years, and then achieve a stable condition in the following year. In the profitability point ofview, MLS will benefit the ftshermen who catch the mature BSC. Besides, for the mini plant (BSC processing bussiness), the implementation of MLS policy also will benefit them in the long run (assuming a 10-year period), although in the short term will slightly affect the income ofmini plant. Keywords: blue swimming crab (BSC), minimum legal size (MLS) policy, mini-plant, profitability ofsustainablefisheries.en
dc.publisherKementerian Lingkungan Hidup
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 16;No. 02
dc.subjectProfitabilitas, Ukuran Tangkap, Rajunganen
dc.titleProfitabilitas PEngelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Lestari: Aplikasi Kebijakan Pembatasan Ukuran Tangkap (Minimum Legal Size) Rajungan di Cirebonen
dc.title.alternativeProfitabiltas, Rajunganen

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