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dc.contributor.authorYamin, Moh
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Sri
dc.contributor.authorMa'ani, .
dc.description.abstractWool and hair shearing of local sheep has not been routinelv practiced in Indonesia sheep farms, unlike in wool producing sheep such as Merino. The shearing^ in fact, have still benefits for sheep health and probably for better sheep grouth. The technique, hou'eveg must guarantee sheep comfort and their animal welfare. and this issue needs to be investigated in Indonesia local sheep. The objectives ofthis study were to investigate (i) effect ofsex and age on sheep behavior during shearing (ii) effect of rn'ool shearing on sheep behavior Twenty four of garut sheep from PT Indocement farm n,ere used rvith the composition of 8 head of each male lambs (I), female lambs (Io) and dry adult female sheep (I,). Parameters observed were sheep behavior including agonistic, ingestive, eliminative, grooming and vocalization. Data 'uvere analyzed descriptively. The results show that sheep rvith different sex and age had similar agonistic, vocalization and eliminative behaviours during shearing. Shearing on garut sheep wool did not affect on sheep agonistic and vocalization as stres indicating behat'iors. The shearing tended to increase sheep comfort bv increasing ingestive behavior and decreasing grooming and eliminative behaviors. It is concluded that shearing technique can be recommended to applv in garut sheep as this practice was not likely stresful for sheep and even probably increased sheep comfort, therefore it fulfi lls sheep behavior.en
dc.publisherDepartemen Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Peternakan
dc.subjectWool, Searing, Agonistic, ingestive, grooming, vocalizationen
dc.titleKesejahteraan Domba Akibat Pencukuran: Tingkah Laku Domba Sebelum, Saat dan Setelah Pencukuran Buluen

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