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dc.contributor.authorPurwito, Agus
dc.contributor.authorHusni, Ali Husni
dc.description.abstractCitrus is one of the prominent fruit commodities in Indonesia. The plant growths and widely spread and in some areas it becomes a major local fruit. Keprok Garut is one of local commodity which has some several superior such as easy to peel, fresh and sweet flavour, yellowish green skin and containt 12-15 seeds per fruit. To improve fruit quality like more attractive skin, seedless and sweeter and fresh taste as preferred by the consumers, its requires the appropriate method. Through mutation breeding method using Gamma rays it is expected Keprok Garut could meet consumers preferrence. The purpose of this study is to determine proliferation dose 50 (PD50) and Gamma-ray irradiation effect on the regeneration ability of embryogenic callus of Keprok Garut. Embryogenic callus irradiated with gamma rays at dose level of 0,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 Gray.Callus regenerated through embryogenesis and observetion was made on development stages and growth level. After 6 weeks, the observation result in sub culture 1 shown that proliferation dose 50 (PD50) was obtained at dose of 58.93 Gray. Increased dose of irradiation could change the color of callus from yellowish white to brown and reduced callus weight at a dose of 10 Gray (1.83 g) and 100 Gray dose (0.65 gram). On observations of sub culture 2, it was found that callus weight increase varied. Highest callus weight at a dose of 20 Gray (3.04 g), 80 Gray (2.20 g), 10 Gray (1.94 g) and 100 Gray (1.75 g). At doses of 20, 80 and 100 Gray, 100% replication was able to form globular embryos at the highest number. At week 9 the highest number of cotyledons was obtained at dose of 20 Gray (22), 80 Gray (18) and 100 Gray (23)en
dc.publisherDep. Agronomi dan Hortikultura, PERAGI-PERHORTI-PERIPI-HIGI
dc.subjectproliferation doseen
dc.subjectSinar Gammaen
dc.titlePengaruh Induksi Mutasi Sinar Gamma pada Regenerasi Kalus Embriogenik Keprok Garut (Citrus reticulata L. )en

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