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dc.contributor.authorIfafah, W.W.
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, S.
dc.contributor.authorDiapari, D.
dc.contributor.authorBaihaqi, M.
dc.description.abstractBean sprout waste is scalp of bean sprout that usually removed before being so ld to the consumers. Bean sprout is always available in large quantities in Indonesian traditional market because Indonesian people frequently use it as a food . In the other hand, bean sprout waste is considered useless so that many people do not utilize it. The objective of this study was to identify potential of bean sprout waste as sheep feed. In fact, the results of proximate analysis showed that bean sprout waste contains 13.6% protein and 49% crude fiber which are good to be used as sheep feed. The nutrient content of bean sprout waste is also better than concentrate (feed which often used for sheep feed). The advantages of using bean spro ut as a sheep feed could make daily weight gain of sheep equal with using concentrate. The study showed that 50 kg of bean sprouts waste could produce 1 kg of meat. This indicates that bean sprout waste is very good to be used as sheep feed . The use of bean sprouts waste has many advantages such as for feeding sheep, at once reducing environmental pollution and also it does not compete with human food needs.en
dc.publisherJiangshu University, China
dc.subjectBean sprout waste, Indonesian traditional market, environmental pollutionen
dc.titleThe utilization of bean sprout waste as a sheep feed in order to reduce waste pollution in Indonesian Traditional Marketen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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