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dc.contributor.authorPurnamaningsih, Ragapadmi
dc.contributor.authorSyukur, Muhamad
dc.contributor.authorYunita, Rossa
dc.contributor.authorLestari, E. G.
dc.description.abstractCases of Malaria diseases attack in Indonesia has been increasing. Plasmodium falciparum the cause of malaria disease is now resistant to the usual medicine. One of malaria medicine which recommended by WHO artimisinine compound extracted from Artemisia annua L plant. Low artemisinine content is one problem of Artemisia development in Indonesia. Increasing genetic variation using gamma irradiation is one alternative method to improve artemisinine content. In 2007, induce mutation had been done to artemisia seeds using gamma irradiation at dosage of 10-100 Gy. The good rooting planlet was regenerated and acclimatized in the green house, and then the seedling (MO generation) was planted in the field at 1545 m asl. Plants derived from seeds without gamma irradiation treatment and cultured in vitro {in vitro control} were used as control. The result showed there were some morphological variations beetwen the mutant lines (plant height, shape of the leaves and time of flowering). Ten mutant lines were selected based on biomass yield and analyzed for the artemisinine content. The result showed that artemisinine content of the mutant lines ranged from 0.44 - 1.41%, and it was significantly higher than that of invitro control (0.43%).en
dc.publisherPusat Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi, BTNN
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 6;No. 2
dc.subjectArtemisia annuaen
dc.subjectinduced mutationen
dc.subjectmutant linesen
dc.titleEvaluasi Keragaman Galur Mutan Artemisia Hasil Iradiasi Gammaen
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of Artemisia Mutant Lines Conducted from Gamma Irradiation Treatmenten

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