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dc.contributor.authorLarekeng, Siti Halimah
dc.contributor.authorMattjik, Nurhayati Ansori
dc.contributor.authorPurwito, Agus
dc.descriptionKelapa Kopyoren
dc.description.abstractConstrains in obtaining homozygote Kopyor coconut seedlings are: the homozygote kopyor coconut fruits are not able to germinate and the alternative methods for producing Kopyor coconut seedlings through zygotic embryo culture are relatively too long. The objectives of this experiments were to improve Kopyor coconut zygotic embryo culture methods capable of producing seedlings in a shorter period of time than the available methods. In this experiments, effects of solidifying agent and removal of haustorium in Kopyor coconut zygotic embryo culture were evaluated. Kopyor coconut zygotic embryos, with or without haustorium, were cultured on Y3 medium supplemented with 5 ppm BAP. Agar at 5 or 7 g L-1 were added in the Y3 medium. Results of the experiments indicated that removal of haustorium from Kopyor coconut zygotic embryos resulted in faster shoot initiation and growth from the explants than that of the complete embryos. Similarly, initial root initiation were also better for zygotic embryos without haustorium. Addition of agar at 5 g L-1 is more effective than that of 7 g L-1.en
dc.publisherProsiding Seminar Nasional PERHORTI 2011
dc.subjectKopyor coconut propagationen
dc.subjectKopyor coconuten
dc.subjectZygotic embryo rescueen
dc.titleKeefektifan Bahan Pemadat dan Pemotongan Haustorium pada Kultur Embrio Zigotik Kelapa Kopyoren

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