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dc.contributor.authorSuhartanto, Muhamad Rahmat
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, R. R.
dc.contributor.authorSujiprihati, Sriani
dc.description.abstractThe hypothesis whether papaya seed is recalsitrant or ortohodox still has been the subject of some controversy. Ortodox seed remain viable after storage in low temperature(below 0 °C) and low seed moisture content (lower than 5-6%). The objective of the research was to evaluate viability of three varieties of papaya after storage in low temperature (-20 °C) and low seed moisture content (6-9%). This evaluation test wil use to determine whether papaya seed is relasitrant or ortodox. The verieties used in this experiment were Sukma (big fruit size), Arum Bogor (small fruit size) and Callina (moderate fruit size). The research was conducted at The PKBT’s Laboratory and Plant Breeding laboratory Dept. Of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB, from April 2008 until january 2009. The analysis used was two ways factorial split plot designed, with three single experiments based on the varieties in three times replicates. The main factor was the storage period of 0, 1, 2, and 3 months and second factor was temperature storage condition (ambient temperature and sub-zero temperature of -20 ºC). The results showed that Var. Sukma dan Callina behave as ortodokx seed and remain viable after 3 months storage at low temperature, whereas Var. Arum Bogor behave as intermediate seed and lost its viability after storage.en
dc.publisherProsiding Seminar Nasional PERHORTI 2011
dc.subjectPapaya seeden
dc.subjectlow temperatureen
dc.titleBenih Pepaya (Carica papaya) : Bersifat Ortodoks Ataukah Intermediet?en

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