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dc.contributor.authorHerodian, Sam
dc.contributor.authorKastaman, Roni
dc.description.abstractT|e objective ofthis research is to find oul ihe dominant factors on band traclols selcction This factor can be used for evaluation cntedoD and tutlhc. modification on fomcr desigr' The suwey descriptive analysis has apllled to accomtLish llis resea.cb The methods of analysis Jre Dsed to obtain com[chensive infomration. such as: the nrultivanale sladsticll analysis: aalue analysis metbod; analylical lierarchy process mcthod in luzzy decision akilg cnvironment and analysis of crgonomic of hand traclofs dcsign Considenng six nodel of hand tractors dcsign lvhich is generally used by conmon famcN in Wes! Java Provincc. the BTLs modei has the hishcs! Value index based on valuc anrlysis accordance wilh the most famers preferercc. Meanwhile. the hand lractor design with the highest pcrforna.ce nrdcx based o. tuzzy analytial hicrarchy p.ocess nethod \t3-s the ASTS5L model This rcscdrch also gnc sone rcconxneDdltioDs conceming with tunhcr desig! modilication for BTL8 typc is fbcused or lransmission systed cornloD.nt air filte. tnc.hanism. noisc lbsorber and tunclion enharccmcft utili(y. Nteanwhlle. the ASTE5L lyle canbcmodified on iiame desisn and acce-sory'en
dc.subjecthand tractorsen
dc.subjectvalue analysisen
dc.subjectfuzzy analytivcal hierarcy processen
dc.titleSelection and Ergonomic Evaluation of Hand Tractors Design Based on Va & Fahpen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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