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dc.contributor.authorWidyarti, M.
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, B.I.
dc.contributor.authorArifin, Hadi Susilo
dc.contributor.authorYuwono, Arief Sabdo
dc.description.abstractThe environment quality is worsening every year; the building's sector contributes 66 % of fossil fuels pollution sources. The Ways in building constructions need to be changed in more environmental friendly manner. Today, in spite of new technological advances in techniques and materials, buildings are continuously being built but lack of climatic consideration. The aim of this study is to emphasize the imporlance of traditional knowledge in terms of providing environmental friendly buildings and the existence of documentation as a knowledge base of an Indonesian traditional settlement in a hot humid climate's mode. The field research was conducted at Kanekes small town, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten province, within March 200E~ .. March 2010. The reconstructions on, building design presented in technical drawings and drawn with Sketch up computer program. The results show that the indigenous people, such as the Inner Baduy community, from longstanding experience have developed systems as their local wisdoms adapting to its environment and buildings in a sustainable manner.en
dc.publisherKopertis Wilayah III
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTahun 28 Nomor 311 Agustus;
dc.titleRekonstruksi Konsep Ecohouse Pada Rumah Tradisional Baduy Dalamen

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