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dc.contributor.authorZulbainarni, Nimmi
dc.contributor.authorTambunan, Mangara
dc.contributor.authorSyaukat, Yusman
dc.contributor.authorFahrudin, Achmad
dc.description.abstractPelagic fishery resources in Indonesia is very abundant as fishery resources. Bali Strait is one of area that has the potential of pelagic fishery reso urces in Indonesia that a re generally caught using purse seine fishing gear. This fishing gear use to capture some types of species (multispecies) such as Lemuru, Tuna, Flying fish, Mackerel and other species. This study aims to analyze the level of multispecies exploitation and the optimum level of multispecies exploitation in pelagic fishery resources in the waters of the Strait Bali and also to determine their optimal management policy. The analytical methods used in this research are the estimation method of biological parameters of dynamic model of Walters and Hilborn (1976) and analysis model of optimal bioeconomic. Based on optimal calculation, the research shows that the management of pelagic fishe ries resources using purse seine gear in the waters of the Strait of Bali has not reached the optimal point. Generally, production and actual effort are under the optimal value. This shows that the management of pelagic fishery resources in the waters of the Strait of Bali has not shown a good level of economic effiCiency. ExplOitation of pelagic fishery resources in the waters of the Bali Strait using purse seine gear can still be improved.en
dc.publisherFEU H Nommensen
dc.subjectBali's Straiten
dc.subjectPurse Seineen
dc.titleKebijakan Pengelolaan Optimal Multispesies Sumberdaya Perikanan Pelagis Di Perairan Selat Balien
dc.title.alternative(The Optimal Policy for Multispecies Exploitation of Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Bali's Strait)en

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