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dc.contributor.authorSudirman, Lisdar I.
dc.contributor.authorSetiadi, Dede
dc.contributor.authorHartana, Alex
dc.contributor.authorTjahjon0, Budi
dc.description.abstractFungal diversity on litter horizon layer of Acacia mangium were investigated to examined fungal spesies and fungal community on each. litter horizon layer, and also to examined relationship between organic content of litter and fungal community. Twenty two species :-vere isolated from three litter horizon layer with dilution method. Total fungal population on five year old A. mangium standing was higher than two year old, whereas on logging former area was low. Total fungal population on standing 'two and five year old were highest on L layer followed by F and H layer, but on logging former area were highest on F layer followed by Land H layer. Aspergillus was dominate on H layer in almost of sampling collection area, beside that Aspergillus and Penicillium were found also on Land F layer. Generally Land F layer dominated by Sp7, Sp5, Sp20 and Sp22. The highest diversity indices on two years old standing was found at different layer: L and H on health and Ganoderma attacked standing, whereas on standing five years old, highest diversity indices was found at L layer, but on logging former area highest diversity indices was found at H layer.en
dc.publisherFakultas Perlanian Universitas Syiah Kuala
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 12 Nomor 2 Agustus;
dc.subjectfungal communityen
dc.subjectlitter horizon layeren
dc.subjectAcacia mangiumen
dc.titleKomunitas Mikrofungi Pada Lapisan Horizon Serasah Acacia Mangiumen

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