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dc.contributor.authorSoehartono, R. Harry
dc.contributor.authorNoviana, Deni
dc.contributor.authorAbdullah, Dudung
dc.contributor.authorSoesatyo, Ratih
dc.contributor.authorwidyananta, Budi jasa
dc.contributor.authorUlum, Mokhamad Fakhrul
dc.contributor.authorSiswandi, Riki
dc.description.abstractThis study was purpose to distinguish of upper digestive tract between dogs (Canin lupus) and ten male adult cats were used in this study. Al animal received anesthetic agent prior to endocopie imaging procedure. Endoscopic were taken from left recumbence with mouth gage on the mouth. Sheepe of endoscope inserted through the mouth until stomach. During the Procedure, stream video captured all imaging of procedure and save the video. The result showed that three are differences in appearance between dogs and cats. On esophaguscopy, esophagus of cats in thorax region showed ring bone motif “tracheal like”. However, esophagus of dog did not show that uppearance until stomach. On gastroscopy. Other differences are stomach mucosa on the dog show rose colored typical. In other hand. In the cats stomach mucosa appearance more orange colored with more flatten rugae than dog.en
dc.publisherUniversitas Airlangga
dc.subjectFelis catusen
dc.subjectdog (canis lupus)en
dc.titleComparative Study on Endoscopic Imaging: Esophagoscopy ad Gastroscopy of Upper Digestive System Between Dogs (Canis Lupus) and Cats (Felis Catus)en
dc.title.alternativeProceeding International Seminaren

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