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dc.contributor.authorSaefuddin, Asep
dc.contributor.authorMangkuprawira, Syafri
dc.contributor.authorRiani, Etty
dc.contributor.authorKardono, Priyadi
dc.description.abstractIndonesia as the biggest state archipelago, has huge natural coastal resources and high natural disaster potency. The configuration of big islands and medium-small islands put Java Sea as the inner water area, which made the northern part of Java coastal was very often hit by tidal wave that made abrasion. The tectonic plate bOllndaJ)J in the southern part of Java coastal cause earthquakes, which might follows by tsunami. The objective of this scientific paper is to know the types of natural disaster that has potency to occur, and types of its disaster mitigation. The interrelated analysis of in tersource disaster potency has done by the Interpretive Structural Modeling. The results of data analysis and expert judgments are shown that in Indramayu the main threats of natural disaster are tidal wave, flood and abrasion. And the main threats in Ciamis are tsunami, earthquake and tidal wave. The most suitable mitigation has determined based on Exponential Comparative Methods. The results show that in Indramayu, there is a combination of breakwater, slope protection, and groyne, which supported by mangrove planting (or replanting), artificial reef, and beach nourishment. III Ciamis, the mitigation is early warning system. which supported by self rescuing system and combination of breakwater. slope protection, and groyne.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJilid 18 No.2;1-19.
dc.subjectdisaster potencyen
dc.titleIdentifikasi Potensi Bencana Alam dan Upaya Mitigasi yang Paling Sesuai Diterapkan di Pesisir Indramayu dan Ciamisen

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