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dc.contributor.authorSaefuddin, Asep
dc.description.abstractMalaria is one of the complex health problems in Indonesia. The disease is still listed high priority due to its high mortality rate, especially among children under five years old, and its fatal impact on pregnant woman. The aim of this study was to apply cluster detection method for detecting disesase outbreaks in the malaria surveillance system in Bangka District, Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. Bangka is one of the malaria endemic areas in Indonesia. The cluster detection method used is the Prospective Kulldorff's space-time scan statistic. The research was conducted in a one year period, starting from September 2007 to September 2008. The malaria cases data were recorded from eleven public health center facilities in Bangka Districts, based on confirmed lab examinations. The results showed that the primary emerging cluster was Sinar Baru with a cluster period from January 2008 to July 2008. The secondary emerging cluster was Kenanga with a cluster period from January 2008 to July 2008. The conclusions were Sinar Baru and Kenanga were the areas which need further investigation and priority in the disease control and surveillance.en
dc.publisherThe Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences, Lahore: Pakistan
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume I;248–254.
dc.subjectspace-time clusteringen
dc.subjectspatial statisticsen
dc.titleApplication Of The Prospective Space-Time Scan Statistic For Detecting Malaria Cases Hotspots In Bangka District, Indonesiaen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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