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dc.contributor.authorKusumorini, Nastiti
dc.contributor.authorMaheswari, Hera
dc.contributor.authorManalu, Wasmen
dc.description.abstractLight treatment such as light schedule, intensity. and color are important factor that influence a\-ian productivity. Two hundred and seventy quails were divided into nine treatments of light, with thirty replications. The treatmsnts were without light, controls with 15 and 25 W, red, green, and blue lights n-ith intensities of 15 and 25 lux. Control treatment used incandescent bulb. The red, green, and blue lights were pro~ided by light emitting diodes (LED). All lights treatment were given for 14 h daily, started from 17.00 to 07.00. All of the parameters measured on sexual maturation were the weights of the body, the weights of the carcass, the n-eights of the abdominal fat. the weights of the oval?.. and oviduct. the weights of the breast muscle, serum estrogen concentrations, cholesterol. and trig1~-csridet,o tal of the yellou- follicles and diamaters of the follicles. All of the data analyzed were done GLM (general linear model) procedure in the SAS program. Quails exposed to monochromatic light had higher serum estrogen coacentrations, body weights of the sexual maturity weights of the breast muscle, the ovary and the o~~iduct weighis. total of the yellow follicles, aild diameters follicles (P<0,05). The Red and blue monochromatic iishts poteniial to increase reproduction profi!e and carcass quanti~of the sexual maturation. Keywords: monochromatic light. ovary and oviduct, sexual maturation, carcass quantity.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleFotostimulasi cahaya monokromatik untuk optimasi reproduksi dan karakteristik karkas puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) masak kelaminen
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Nasional "Peranan teknologi reproduksi hewan dalam rangka swasembada pangan nasional"en

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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